Thesis topic proposal
Sándor Beszédes
Development of dielectric monitoring methods to increase the efficiency of food production technologies and reduce their environmental impact


Institute: University of Szeged
environmental sciences
Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Sándor Beszédes
co-supervisor: P. Balázs Szabó
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Szeged
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZTE

Description of the research topic:

In food production technologies, the raw materials of biological origin undergo a multi-step transformation involving physical, chemical and biological processes. The optimisation of technological parameters is mainly focused on the improvement of yield and food quality indicators, while fully respecting food safety aspects as well. However, answering for these challenges also make possible to minimise the environmental impact (e.g. waste minimisation and recovery; decreasing of emissions, etc.). An important area for improvements to this integrated approach related to the efficiency and sustainability of food production systems is the appropriate monitoring of the processes involved in production technology and the utilization of food by-products (e.g. process monitoring, optimal end-point indication etc.).
Research has a special focus on the development of novel methods based on dielectric measurements, which are suitable for monitoring processes in food production technology (e.g. enzymatic and physico-chemical processes), in particular due to their non-destructive properties, reduced time demand, their specific measurement characteristics with low disturbance of the system under investigation, their chemical-free character, their suitability for in-line and real-time measurements, and which allow to reduce production losses, minimise energy consumption and improve the efficiency of the utilisation of food industry by-products of plant and animal origin.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-10-30