Thesis topic proposal
Lívia Nagy
Development of a selective electrochemical hydrogen sulfide measurement sensor for oenological purposes


Institute: University of Pécs
Doctoral School of Biology and Sportbiology

Thesis supervisor: Lívia Nagy
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Pécs
Abbreviation of location of studies: PTE

Description of the research topic:

The quality-deteriorating effect of hydrogen sulfide produced in low concentrations (in the ppb range) during the alcoholic fermentation of must is well known. The presence of hydrogen sulfide in wines is related to the low supply of nutrients and vitamins in the must, as well as the metabolism of the yeasts.
Eliminating hydrogen sulfide wine defects is a complex problem, as this compound tends to reversibly transform into mercaptans and disulfides.
Chemical sensors are important tools in analytical chemistry. They can provide information about the concentration and presence of substances in given physiological, clinical, and food industry samples, and their versions enable the solution of special tasks. In the development of chemical sensors, Hungarian research schools have been playing an internationally pioneering role for decades. The PhD student who chooses the topic is involved in this work.
The aim of the PhD work is the development of a selective potentiometric hydrogen sulfide measuring sensor, which enables the measurement of hydrogen sulfide content, as well as the planning and precise execution of improvement winemaking interventions.
During the work, the causes of the formation of hydrogen sulfide are studied, e.g. the yeast used, the oenological problems that arise in this regard, the currently used analytical measurement options, the advantages, and disadvantages of the known methods of treating hydrogen sulfide wines, and the chemical background of the transformation of hydrogen sulfide.
The focus of the PhD work is an electrochemical, potentiometric sensor development. Part of the tasks are the methods of preparing the sensor structure and the measurement protocol, the examination of interfering components, and the validation of the method. Model solutions and natural wines serve as samples in the research. (The basic composition of the samples is determined with the Winescan device.)
Our goal is developing a validated selective potentiometric sensor and measurement method for hydrogen sulfide.
The work includes the extent to which the measurement technique to be developed can help to eliminate the health-damaging hazard that uses heavy metal reagents regularly used for dehydrogenation. (Using atomic absorption auxiliary measurement technique.)
We intend to publish the results in international electrochemical, food chemical, agrobiological, and oenological journals.

Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): English
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-31