Thesis topic proposal
Viola Sallay
Processes of environmental and emotional self-regulation, relationship regulation and health


Institute: University of Pécs
Doctoral School of Psychology

Thesis supervisor: Viola Sallay
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Pécs, Institute of Psychology
Abbreviation of location of studies: PTE

Description of the research topic:

A person’s sociophysical environment consists of the physical environment surrounding personally significant actions and relationships and the relationship processes linked to those specific environments. The research topic includes environmental and emotional self-regulation processes in personally significant places and life situations as well as processes linked to place attachment and place identity, the role of the sociophysical environment in individual and social processes and how these factors are connected to health and illness behavior (as coping with chronis illness, creativity, personal growth, family and couple relationship processes). Qualitative research methods (interviews, qualitative anlysis, grounded theory, interpretative phenomenological analysis) can be applied as well as questionnaires and mixed-method research design.

Required language skills: angol
Number of students who can be accepted: 3

Deadline for application: 2024-05-24