Thesis topic proposal
Gergely Ambrus
Philosophy of Mind


Institute: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Doctoral School of Philosophy

Thesis supervisor: Gergely Ambrus
Location of studies (in Hungarian): ELTE BTK
Abbreviation of location of studies: ELTE

Description of the research topic:

Any topic may be chosen from analytic philosophy of mind. However, the following topics are particularly encouraged: the nature of mental states (within that theories of intentionality and consciousness), accounts of the mental-physical relation (i. e. aspects of the mind-body problem); problems concerning the self and person (the nature of persons, personal identity through time, boundaries of the self); knowledge of mental states (self-knowledge, knowledge of other minds). Further: earlier views concerning these topics from the history of analytic philosophy.

Required language skills: english
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-06