Thesis topic proposal
Mária Hercz
Entrepreneurial Education with Active Learning Strategy


Institute: University of Szeged
educational sciences
Doctoral School of Education

Thesis supervisor: Mária Hercz
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Institute of Education
Abbreviation of location of studies: NI

Description of the research topic:

The topic focuses on entrepreneurial education and one of its subdivisions, the establishment of social entrepreneurship in childhood and in teacher training, in order to exploit and develop the social skills needed to make headway in the labour market.
The applicant should take part in the adaptation of methodology packages using challenge-based learning and project teaching in different educational spaces, and the development of support for teacher training in this field.
The ideal applicant has earned a degree in primary or kindergarten teaching or Educational Science with relevant practice, can communicate in English or German effectively, and is knowledgeable in research methodology. They should be innovative and creative, be fond of challenges, and dedicated to supporting the educational practice of the 21st century professionally.

Required language skills: English
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2025-01-10

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