Publications |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Bruce Mutsvairo, Eddy Borges-Rey, Saba Bebawi, Mireya Márquez-Ramírez, Claudia Mellado, Hayes Mawindi Mabweazara, Marton Demeter, Michal Głowacki, Hanan Badr, Daya Thussu: Ontologies of Journalism in the Global South, JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY 98: (4) pp. 996-1016. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 35 language: English URL |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Demeter Marton, Toth Tamas: The world-systemic network of global elite sociology: the western male monoculture at faculties of the top one-hundred sociology departments of the world, SCIENTOMETRICS 124: pp. 2469-2495. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 15 language: English URL |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Demeter Marton, Goyanes Manuel: A world-systemic analysis of knowledge production in international communication and media studies: the epistemic hierarchy of research approaches, Journal of International Communication 27: (1) pp. 38-58. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 5 language: English URL |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Goyanes Manuel, Demeter Márton, Grané Aurea, Albarrán-Lozano Irene, Gil de Zúñiga Homero: A mathematical approach to assess research diversity: operationalization and applicability in communication sciences, political science, and beyond, SCIENTOMETRICS 2020: (125) pp. 2299-2322. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 3 language: English URL |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Demeter Márton: Academic Knowledge Production and the Global South. Questioning Inequality and Under-representation, Palgrave Macmillan type of document: Book/Monography number of independent citations: 93 language: English URL |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Goyanes Manuel, Demeter Marton: How the Geographic Diversity of Editorial Boards Affects What Is Published in JCR-Ranked Communication Journals, JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY 97: (4) pp. 1123-1148. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 48 language: English URL |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Demeter Marton: The Winner Takes It All: International Inequality in Communication and Media Studies Today, JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY 96: (1) pp. 37-59. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 47 language: English URL |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Demeter Márton: The World-Systemic Dynamics of Knowledge Production: The Distribution of Transnational Academic Capital in the Social Sciences, JOURNAL OF WORLD-SYSTEMS RESEARCH 25: (1) pp. 111-144. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 65 language: English URL |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Demeter Márton: So Far, Yet So Close: International Career Paths of Communication Scholars From the Global South, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 13: (1) pp. 578-602. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 19 language: English URL |
 from data base, 2024. III. 23. |
Demeter Márton: Power relations in global knowledge production. A cultural/critical approach, Journal of Multicultural Discourses 14: (3) pp. 1-17. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 16 language: English URL |
Number of independent citations to these publications: | 346  |