Az adott oktató valamelyik doktori iskolában kiírt doktoranduszok számára kutatási témát, amire most jelentkezni is lehet, de még nincsen témavezetett doktorandusza.
Az adott oktató valamelyik doktori iskolában kiírt doktoranduszok számára kutatási témát, amire most jelentkezni is lehet, de még nincsen témavezetett doktorandusza.
Az oktató a doktori iskola doktoranduszai számára oktat tantárgyat, és/vagy a doktori iskola megszavazta, hogy doktoranduszok számára kutatási témát írjon ki.
Az oktató a doktori iskola doktoranduszai számára oktat tantárgyat, és/vagy a doktori iskola megszavazta, hogy doktoranduszok számára kutatási témát írjon ki.
the share of work in the different doctoral schools.
research field in which current research is conducted
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Facskó Gábor, Koban Gergely, Biró Nikolett, Lkhagvadorj Munkhjargal: Space Weather Effects on Critical Infrastructure, In: Kovács, Tünde Anna; Nyikes, Zoltán; Berek, Tamás; Daruka, Norbert; Tóth, László (szerk.) Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts, Springer Nature Switzerland (2024) pp. 45-56. type of document: Part of book/Könyvfejezet (to be translated) language: English URL
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Timar Aniko, Opitz Andrea, Nemeth Zoltan, Bebesi Zsofia, Biro Nikolett, Facskó Gábor, Koban Gergely, Madar Akos: 3D pressure-corrected ballistic extrapolation of solar wind speed in the inner heliosphere, JOURNAL OF SPACE WEATHER AND SPACE CLIMATE 14: 14 type of document: Journal paper/Article language: English URL
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Szalai S., Baracza M.K., Kárpi M., Szucs P., Metwaly M., Turai E., Facskó G., Zubair M., Szarka L., Gribovszki K.: Improving ERT Imaging of Small-Size 2D Targets Using Different Strategies, PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 180: pp. 157-185. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 1 language: English URL
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Zhang H., Zong Q., Connor H., Delamere P., Facskó G., Han D., Hasegawa H., Kallio E., Kis Á., Le G., Lembège B., Lin Y., Liu T., Oksavik K., Omidi N., Otto A., Ren J., Shi Q., Sibeck D., Yao S.: Dayside Transient Phenomena and Their Impact on the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere, SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 218: (5) 40 type of document: Journal paper/Review paper number of independent citations: 22 language: English URL
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Facsko Gabor, Sibeck David Gary, Honkonen Ilja, Bór József, FARINAS PEREZ German, Timár Anikó, Shprits Yuri, Peitso Pyry Lauri Samuli, Degener Laura, Tanskanen Eija I, Anekallu C.R., Kalmár J., Szalai S., Kis Á., Wesztergom V., Madár Á.: Comparing 1-year GUMICS-4 simulations of the Terrestrial Magnetosphere with Cluster Measurements, type of document: language: English URL
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Janhunen P, Palmroth M, Laitinen T, Honkonen I, Juusola L, Facskó G, Pulkkinen T I: The GUMICS-4 global MHD magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling simulation, JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS 80: pp. 48-59. type of document: Journal paper/Review paper number of independent citations: 58 language: English URL
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Karlsson T, Brenning N, Nilsson H, Trotignon J-G, Vallières X, Facsko G: Localized density enhancements in the magnetosheath: Three-dimensional morphology and possible importance for impulsive penetration, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 117: (3) A03227 type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 45 language: English URL
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Hietala H, Partamies N, Laitinen T V, Clausen L B N, Facskó G, Vaivads A, Koskinen H E J, Dandouras I, Rème H, Lucek E A: Supermagnetosonic subsolar magnetosheath jets and their effects: from the solar wind to the ionospheric convection, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE 30: (1) pp. 33-48. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 84 language: English URL
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Facsko G, Nemeth Z, Erdos G, Kis A, Dandouras I: A global study of hot flow anomalies using Cluster multi-spacecraft measurements, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE 27: (5) pp. 2057-2076. type of document: Journal paper/Article number of independent citations: 50 language: English URL
from data base, 2024. XII. 09.
Facsko G, Kecskemety K, Erdos G, Tatrallyay M, Daly PW, Dandouras I: A statistical study of hot flow anomalies using Cluster data, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 41: (8) pp. 1286-1291. type of document: Journal paper/Review paper number of independent citations: 36 language: English URL
Number of independent citations to these publications:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works (TV):
The number of citations displayed after clicking on the link may differ from the displayed number because the former displays the current state of MTMT2 and the latter was the case when importing science metrics.