Personal data sheet
personal data approved: 2024. V. 28.
Personal data
Zoltán Homonnay
name Zoltán Homonnay
year of birth 1960
name of institution
doctoral school
ELTE György Hevesy Doctoral School of Chemistry (Supervisor)
ELTE Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences (Core member)
(discipline) Habilitation Comittee
BME Doctoral School of Physics
(discipline) Habilitation Comittee and Doctoral Council (external member)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. ELTE György Hevesy Doctoral School of Chemistry 37%
ELTE Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences 61%
BME DSP1-BME (discipline) Habilitation Comittee and Doctoral Council (external member) 1%
ELTE DSES2-ELTE (discipline) Habilitation Comittee 1%
accreditation statement submitted to: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Contact details
phone number +36 1 372-2500/1564
own web page
Academic title
scientific degree, title CSc
year degree was obtained 1989
discipline to which degree belongs chemistry
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title DSc
year degree was obtained 2000
discipline to which degree belongs chemistry
institution granting the degree HAS
2002 - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 6
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 0.5
students who obtained their degrees:
(50%) Maria Gracheva PhD 2024  DSC-ELTE
Judit Orsolya Groska PhD 2023  DSC-ELTE
(50%) Boglárka Maróti PhD 2019  DSC-ELTE
(50%) Gyuri Sági PhD 2018  DSES2-ELTE
Petra Ágota Szilágyi PhD 2008  DSC-ELTE
Csilla Bélavári PhD 2005  
György Vankó PhD 2000  

present PhD students:
(50%) Kende Attila Béres (PhD) (2025/08)  DSC-ELTE
  Thesis topic proposals
research area Mössbauer Spectroscopy (Nuclear Chemistry) perovskites, superconductors, iron chelates, etc.
research field in which current research is conducted chemistry
material sciences

Gracheva Maria, Klencsár Zoltán, Kovács Kis Viktória, Béres Kende Attila, May Zoltán, Halasy Viktória, Singh Amarjeet, Fodor Ferenc, Solti Ádám, Kiss László Ferenc, Tolnai Gyula, Homonnay Zoltán, Kovács Krisztina: Iron nanoparticles for plant nutrition: Synthesis, transformation, and utilization by the roots of Cucumis sativus, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 38: (4) pp. 1035-1047.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 11
language: English

Béres K.A., Homonnay Z., Barta Holló B., Gracheva M., Petruševski V.M., Farkas A., Dürvanger Z., Kótai L.: Synthesis, structure, and Mössbauer spectroscopic studies on the heat-induced solid-phase redox reactions of hexakis(urea-O)iron(III) peroxodisulfate, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 38: pp. 1102-1118.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 1
language: English

Sharma Virender K., Homonnay Zoltan, Nishida Tetsuaki, Greneche Jean-Marc: 57Fe Mössbauer Spectrometry to explore natural and artificial nanostructures, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 38: pp. 925-936.
type of document: Journal paper/Review paper
language: English

Popov Nina, Krehula Stjepko, Ristić Mira, Kuzmann Ernő, Homonnay Zoltán, Bošković Marko, Stanković Dalibor, Kubuki Shiro, Musić Svetozar: Influence of Cr doping on the structural, magnetic, optical and photocatalytic properties of α-Fe2O3 nanorods, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS 148: 109699
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 12
language: English

Pasinszki T., Krebsz M., Chand D., Kótai L., Homonnay Z., Sajó I.E., Váczi T.: Carbon microspheres decorated with iron sulfide nanoparticles for mercury(II) removal from water, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 55: (4) pp. 1425-1435.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 21
language: English

Machala L, Sharma VK, Kuzmann EO, Homonnay ZA, Filip J, Kralchevska RP: Thermal decomposition of barium ferrate(VI): Mechanism and formation of Fe-IV intermediate and nanocrystalline Fe2O3 and ferrite, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 668: pp. 73-79.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 3
language: English

Salma I, Posfai M, Kovacs K, Kuzmann E, Homonnay Z, Posta J: Properties and sources of individual particles and some chemical species in the aerosol of a metropolitan underground railway station, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 43: (22-23) pp. 3460-3466.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 77
language: English

Brausam A, Maigut J, Meier R, Szilagyi PA, Buschmann HJ, Massa W, Homonnay Z, van Eldik R: Detailed Spectroscopic, Thermodynamic, and Kinetic Studies on the Protolytic Equilibria of Fe(III)cydta and the Activation of Hydrogen Peroxide, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 48: (16) pp. 7864-7884.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 31
language: English

Homonnay Z, Nomura K, Juhasz G, Gal M, Solymos K, Hamakawa S, Hayakawa T, Vertes A: Simultaneous probing of the Fe and Co sites in the CO2-absorber perovskite Sr0.95Ca0.05C0.5Fe0.5O3-delta: a Mossbauer study, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 14: (3) pp. 1127-1135.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 18
language: English

Homonnay Z, Klencsár Z, Chechersky V, Vankó G, Gál M, Kuzmann E, Tyagi S, Peng JL, Greene RL, Vértes A, Nath A: Effect of praseodymium on the lattice dynamics and electronic structure of the Cu(1)-O(4) chain in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-delta, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 59: (17) pp. 11596-11604.
type of document: Journal paper/Article
number of independent citations: 9
language: English
Number of independent citations to these publications:183 
Scientometric data
list of publications and citations
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
scientific publications published abroad that meet the accreditation criteria:
publications not in Hungarian, published in Hungary, meeting the accreditation criteria:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works: