Personal data sheet
personal data approved: 2009. III. 09.
Personal data
name Róbert Ohmacht
name of institution
doctoral school
PTE Doctoral School of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences (Academic staff member)
the share of work in the different doctoral schools. PTE Doctoral School of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences 100%
Contact details
E-mail address
phone number +36 72 536-223
Academic title
scientific degree, title Ph.D.
year degree was obtained 1986
discipline to which degree belongs chemistry
institution granting the degree HAS
scientific degree, title DSc
year degree was obtained 2003
discipline to which degree belongs
institution granting the degree HAS
1973 - Pécsi Tudományegyetem (research institute, not university)
1973 - University of Pécs
university professor or researcher
Thesis topic supervisor
number of doctoral students supervised until now 5
number of students who fulfilled course requirements 5
students who obtained their degrees:
Gergely Montskó PhD 2011  DSPS-PTE
(50%) Katalin Böddi PhD 2011  DSPS-PTE
(50%) Ibolya Kiss PhD 2010  DSC-PTE
Borbála Boros PhD 2008  DSPS-PTE
Zoltán Szabó PhD 2005  DSPS-PTE

  Thesis topic proposals
research area Analitikai kémia, elválasztástudomány, folyadékkromatográfia, tömegspektrometria (to be translated)
research field in which current research is conducted chemistry

Braun, T., Márk, L., Ohmacht, R., Uma S.: Olive oil as biocompatible solvent, Full. Nanotubes. Carb. Nanostr
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 0.780

Z. Szabo, K. Böddi, L. Mark, L. Gy. Szabo, R. Ohmacht: Analysis of nitrate ion in nettle (Urtica dioica L.) by ion-pair chromatographic method on C30 stationary phase, J. Agricult & Food Chemistry
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 2.510
number of independent citations: 3

Huck, Ch.W.,* OHMACHT R., Szabo Z.,. Bonn G.K.:: Near infrared spectroscopy, cluster and multivariate analysis—characterisation of silica materials for liquid chromatography, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 1.110
number of independent citations: 1

Bellyei Sz., Szabó Z., OHMACHT R., Thán G., Melegh B., Szigeti A., Boronkai A. Sümegi B.: Molecular cloning and characterisation of placenta tissue protein 13., Placenta
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 2.880
number of independent citations: 1

Z. Szabo, R. OHMACHT, C. W. Huck, W.M. Stöggl, G.K.Bonn: Influence of the Pore Structure on the Properties of Silica based Reversed Phase Packings for LC, J.Separat. Sci.
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 1.830
number of independent citations: 4

L.Mark, M.S. Pour Nikfardjam, P.Avar1, R.OHMACHT: A Validated HPLC Method for the Quantitative Analysis of Trans-Resveratrol and Trans-Piceid in Hungarian Wines, J.Chromatogr.Sci
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 0.930
number of independent citations: 4

T., Rausch H., Bíró L.P., Zsoldos E., OHMACHT R., Márk L.:: The survivability of polycristalline C60 to high speed vibration milling, Chem. Phys. Letters
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 2.530
number of independent citations: 2

Felinger A., Boros B., OHMACHT R.:: Effect of Pressure on Retention Factor in HPLC Using a Non-Porous Stationary Phase, Chromatographia
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 1.320
number of independent citations: 1

Krenn L., Boros B., OHMACHT R., Jelinek L: HPLC-Separation of Opium Alkaloids on Porous and Non-Porous Stationary Phases, Chromatographia
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 1.920
number of independent citations: 4

OHMACHT R., Kiss I.: Application of a new nonporous stationary phase (KOVASIL-H) for the fast separation of peptides by HPLC, Chromatographia
type of document: Journal paper
impact factor: 2.020
number of independent citations: 11
Number of independent citations to these publications:31 
Scientometric data
Publication list in MTMT is not accessible.
number of scientific publications that meet accreditation criteria:
number of scientific publications:
monographs and professional books:
monographs/books in which chapters/sections were contributed:
number of independent citations to scientific publications and creative works: