name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
György Tibor BaloghGyörgy Tibor BaloghGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologySemmelweis University, Budapest*; Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2022-07-012023-05-24
Gábor CsonkaGábor CsonkaGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012023-05-23
Ferenc FaiglFerenc FaiglGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012023-05-23
Jenő FeketeJenő FeketeGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012016-08-29
Elemér FogassyElemér FogassyGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2011-09-012019-03-26
Magdolna HargittaiGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012012-02-20
István HargittaiIstván HargittaiGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012018-04-23
László HazaiLászló HazaiGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012012-02-20
György HorvaiGyörgy HorvaiGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012022-07-21
István Tamás HorváthGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2020-11-032022-03-07
Péter HuszthyPéter HuszthyGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012022-07-21
György KalausGyörgy KalausGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2012-04-052014-11-03
Mihály KállayMihály KállayGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2012-10-252013-09-01
Attila KovácsGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012012-02-20
Miklós KubinyiMiklós KubinyiGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2016-03-112019-03-26
Péter MizseyPéter MizseyGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012017-09-26
Krisztina Nagyné LászlóKrisztina Nagyné LászlóGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012023-05-23
Gábor PálinkásGábor PálinkásGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2009-02-182012-04-04
György PokolGyörgy PokolGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012022-07-21
György PokolGyörgy PokolGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2020-11-052022-07-21
Béla PukánszkyBéla PukánszkyGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012022-07-21
Endre RévEndre RévGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012015-01-29
Zsuzsanna RiedlGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2009-02-132013-09-19
András SalgóAndrás SalgóGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012022-07-21
Béla SimándiBéla SimándiGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012014-07-29
Csaba SzántayCsaba SzántayGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012013-09-18
Csaba, ifj. SzántayCsaba, ifj. SzántayGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2013-09-042023-01-31
Klára (1939-2013) Szepesváryné TóthKlára (1939-2013) Szepesváryné TóthGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012013-09-18
András SzilágyiGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2016-03-112016-11-24
András TomposAndrás TomposGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2016-03-112016-03-16
Antal TunglerAntal TunglerGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012013-09-25
Tamás VeszprémiGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012018-04-23
Miklós ZrínyiGeorge A. Olah Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical TechnologySemmelweis University, Budapest*; Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012009-02-19