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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Debrecen, Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Anna NyilasInstitutions of civil procedure in a comparative perspective2024-08-21A/215
Katalin Szűcs Lászlóné SiskaThe History of the Turkish Constitution - The Birth of Modern Turkey2024-08-21C/7
Katalin Szűcs Lászlóné SiskaHuman Rights and International Migration2024-08-21C/7
Nelli VargaBasic questions and changes in contract law2024-08-21A/117
Nelli VargaDevelopment trends of family law2024-08-21A/117
Orsolya BányaiThe realization of sustainable development goals in the field of energy law2024-08-21C-108
István SándorHungarian and foreign regulation of private law institutions2024-08-21ELTE
István SándorLegal history antecedents of wealth planning, asset management and company law, comparative legal analysis of their modern rules, and their different legal constructions2024-08-21ELTE
Péter SólyomThe Autonomy of Parliament and the Protection of Human Rights2024-08-21A/216
Péter SólyomValue pluralism and equality Challenges of democratic political integration in contemporary constitutional law2024-08-21A/216
Zsolt HajnalEuropean and Hungarian consumer protection law2024-08-21A/118
Zsolt HajnalCross border private legal relations2024-08-21A/118
Péter Máté SipkaThe challenges of the regulation of work in the light of the changing labour market2024-08-21C/109
Márton Leó ZaccariaFundamental values and changes in the legal protection of the employees among the current employment tendencies2024-08-21C/109
Márton Leó ZaccariaThe importance and limitation of human rights in labour law2024-08-21C/109
Márton Leó ZaccariaThe employment-related questions of equal treatment2024-08-21C/109
Péter Máté SipkaThe legal framework of the international development organisations2024-08-21ÁJK C
Ákos CsernyEuropean Electoral Institutions2024-08-21KA131
Mátyás BenczeLegal challenges of globalization2024-08-21B/103
Attila BartaMajor trends in the transformation of territorial state administration in the European public administration in the 21st century2024-08-21A/220
Ildikó BarthaExternal relations of the European Union2024-08-21A/214
Krisztina FicsorTheoretical Problems of Law and Judicial Reasoning in the 21st Century2024-08-21C107
Péter BordásNew regulatory challenges of financial law in the 21st century2024-08-21A222B
Péter BordásRegulation of the digital companies in the European Union's internal market2024-08-21A222B

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