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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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List of all the thesis topic proposals

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deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Petra Hartmann
Endre Varga
Investigation of the pathomechanism and therapeutic possibilities in joint inflammation2024-12-31SEBM
János NagyillésReception of Ancient Culture and Literature2025-03-313105
Oguz Kelemen
Edina Kőrösiné Horváth
Measuring of socio-cultural patterns of sexual health2024-12-31MAGPU
Gábor ParagiComputational investigations of molecular interactions in protein-ligand complexes or in self-assembling nucleic acid systems.2024-12-31BSRG
Edit Tóth-MolnárPhysiology and pathophysiology of the lacrimal gland. Pharmacological modulation of tear secretion2024-12-31SZEM
Dóra Tombácz
Zsolt Boldogkői
Zoltán DragonFilm Adaptation: Intertextual, Dialogic and Transmedial Approaches in English2025-03-31PE119
Zoltán DragonVisual Culture in the U.S.: Photography and the Moving Image2025-03-31PE119
Zoltán DragonNew Media and New Formulations of the Visual2025-03-31PE119
Norbert BuzásExaminantion of the decision making behaviour in healthcare professonial selection and loyalty among patients receiving medical care”)2024-12-31EgGaz
Krisztina CsabafiModulatory role of neuropeptides on neuroadaptive processes in the CNS.2024-12-31KÓRÉ
Andrea BencsikRelationship among Ethics, Trust and Success in Knowledge-oriented Organizations2025-01-31PE
Andrea BencsikRelationship among Ethics, Trust and Success in Knowledge-oriented Organizations2025-01-31PE
Tibor Csizmadia
Attila Imre Katona
Modeling the information spread with knowledge graphs in higher education2025-01-31PE
Petra Gyurácz-Németh
Zsolt Hollósy
Analyzing Investment Efficiency in the Hotel Industry: Operational and Financial Return Perspectives2025-01-31PE
László Józsa
Dávid Máté Hargitai
Motivations for sport consumption2025-01-31PE
László Józsa
Annamária Sasné Grósz
The role of culture in the customers' preferences2025-01-31PE
Zoltán Kovács
Beáta Fehérvölgyi
Változó környezetű összetett tudásalapú rendszerek jellemzőinek azonosítása2025-01-31PE
Edit KőváriDigital and emotional intelligence as key competencies of 21st century managers2025-01-31PE
Gábor MichalkóTourism and transdisciplinarity2025-01-31PE
Nóra ObermayerDual roles: Is there a yellow brick road for female leaders?2025-01-31PE
Ágnes RaffayInformation Technology and Sustainable Tourism Development2025-01-31PE
Márta Judit SulyokSpatial and temporal concentration of tourism mobility2025-01-31PE
Márta Judit SulyokSpatial and temporal concentration of tourism mobility2025-01-31PE
Zoltán Veres
Katalin Juhász-Dóra
Analysis of the service environment in the services market2024-12-31PE
Kornél Kovács
Kinga Turzó
Interaction between bacteria and biomaterials in the oral cavity2024-12-31BIOTE
Zsolt SzabóChanges in pulmonary microcirculation during thoracic surgery2024-12-31MODI
András DinnyésModelling neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases in vitro using humaninduced pluripotent stem cell-based systems2024-12-31BŐRKL
Dániel György HorváthViewpoint change - Self- and medium-reflexive artistic practices2025-04-15MKEDI
Zsolt László DatkiIn vivo modeling the role of serotonergic system in longevity regulation2024-12-31PSYCH
Gabriella Nagyné EördeghLearning functions is psychiatric disorders.2024-12-31PSYCH
István SzendiStress reduction with biofeedback methods2024-12-31Psych
Máté Vámos
László Sághy
Short- and long-term clinical outcomes after transvenous lead extraction2024-12-31IIBEL
Róbert AdalbertMechanisms of distal axonal degeneration in long peripheral nerves2024-12-31Anat
Endre DobóThe origins and targets of the hippocampal cholinergic nerve fibers2024-12-31ANAT
András MihályEpilepsy-induced hippocampal neuroplasticity in a rodent model2024-12-31Anat
András MihályPathomechanisms of neurodegeneration in epilepsy2024-12-31ANAT
Antal NógrádiThe role of endogen progenitors in spinal cord regeneration2024-12-31ANAT
Dávid SzallerMagnetic and magnetoelectric properties of van der Waals magnets2025-05-31BME
Boudewijn Van LeeuwenMachine learning in Geoinformatics2024-11-20USZ
István FöldesConceptual questions of information and information technology in European criminal law2024-12-31INF
István FöldesCombinatorics of data compression codes2024-12-31INF
László KovácsAttribute Reduction in Semantic Models2024-12-31INF
László KovácsNeural Networks in Ontology2024-12-31INF
Szilveszter KovácsFuzzy State Machine based Behavior Models2024-12-31INF
László KovácsNeural Networks in Optimisation Problems2024-12-31INF
István BaczkóAtrial fibrillation, heart failure, mechanisms of verticular cardiac arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, cardiac electrophysiology, proarrhythmic effects of drugs, myocard2024-12-31ÁOK
Mihály BorosClinical and experimental analyses of mitochondrium-drug interactions in gastrointestinal diseases2024-12-31ÁOK
Norbert Buzás
Orsolya Papp-Zipernovszky
The role of health behaviour and technology acceptance in the therapy management and therapeutical efficacy of diabetic patients2024-12-31ÁOK
Tamás Bálint CsontThe role of extracellular matrix proteins and proteoglycans in cardiac stress adaptation2024-12-31ÁOK
László DuxStandardization and quality control of macromolecular assays in pathobiochemistry, clinical biochemistry2024-12-31ÁOK
Attila FarkasThe clinical and experimental examination of cardiac arrhythmias and the investigation of the mechanism of the cardiac muscle contractility2024-12-31ÁOK
József FurákInvestigation of minimal invasive approaches in perioperative management on enhanced recovery after surgery2024-12-31ÁOK
Petra HartmannExamining the effect of methane on ischemia-reperfusion-induced mitochondrial dysfunction2024-12-31ÁOK
Petra HartmannExamining the effect of methane on ischemia-reperfusion-induced mitochondrial dysfunction2024-12-31ÁOK
Norbert NagyInvestigation of the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger: from physiology to arrhythmias2024-12-31ÁOK
Balázs ÖrdögPathomechanisms of inherited cardiac arrhythmias2024-12-31ÁOK
Gergő SzűcsEndogenous and exogenous cardioprotective mechanisms in metabolic diseases2024-12-31ÁOK
András VarróCellular and subcellular mechanism of the cardioactive drugs in the heart2025-06-30ÁOK
László VirágStudy of cardiac repolarization process2024-12-31ÁOK
István BudaiResearch on application-centric composites2025-05-15DE MK
Sándor HajduRecearch of modelling and control methods for automated guided vehicles (AGV)2025-05-15DE MK
Géza HusiDesigning and Developing Extended and Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems Applying the Principles of Industry 4.02025-05-15DE MK
Ferenc KalmárThermal sensation approach of the interrelation between asymmetric radiation and air temperature2025-05-15DE MK
Imre KocsisIntelligent computing based development of diagnostic and process monitoring methods for modern mechanical engineering systems2025-05-15DE MK
Péter KorondiCognitive Telemanipulation2025-05-15DE MK
Ákos LakatosExamination of the thermal properties and application possibilities of advanced thermal insulations and building technology materials2025-05-15DE MK
Tamás MankovitsMechanics and optimization of engineering structures2025-05-15DE MK
Péter PetrikOptical characterization of metal surfaces and thin films2025-05-15DE MK
Zoltán BaráthFogászati implantátumok élettartamát meghatározó tényezők vizsgálata2024-12-31FOK
Krisztina BuzásExosomal information transfer through the blood-brain-barrier2024-12-31FOK
Márk Tibor FráterFibre-reinforced biomimetic direct and indirect restorations2024-12-31FOK
Nikoletta Nagy
Márta Széll
Investigations of phenotype modifier factors in rare diseases2024-12-31OGEN
Nikoletta NagyGenetic counseling, genotype-phenotype correlations in familial diseases2024-12-31OGEN
Margit Pál
Márta Széll
Investigation and identification the genetic factors involved in COVID-19 disease progression2024-12-31Ogen
Anette StájerSocial determinants of oral health and health behavior2024-12-31FOK
Ákos BereczkyInvestigation of hydrogen energy utilisation methods2024-10-15EGR
Ákos BereczkyCombustion process of alternative fuels utilisation in internal combustion engines2024-10-15EGR
Edit CséfalvayEnvironmental evaluation and sustainability of energy production processes2024-10-15EGR
Edit CséfalvayApplication of circular economy using LCA methodology on carbon neutral waste management in Hungary2024-10-15EGR
Edit CséfalvayMake-up water preparation for power plants by environmental benign technologies2024-10-15EGR
Attila ImreSeasonal and high-capacity energy storage: system and the parts2024-10-15EGR
Attila ImreUtilization of low temperature and low yield heat sources2024-10-15EGR
Pál SzentannaiLoad-following control of large-size utility power plants2024-10-15EGR
Pál BarzóThe role of functional MRI and DWI imaging (modalities) in neurosurgical and neurological disorders.2024-12-31IDSEB
Pál BarzóModern treatment of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI)2024-12-31IDSEB
Csaba BereczkiDiagnosis and interventions in early neonatal period2024-12-31GYERM
Csaba BereczkiThe impact of standardised protokoll on the sedation and analgesia strategies and its complications on paediatric patienrs requiring intensive care2024-12-31GYERM
Csaba BereczkiClinical investigation of kidney function in pre-term and term babies2024-12-31GYERM
Emőke Endreffy
Zoltán Novák
Molecular biologycal and genetical assays in the diagnostic and treatment of paediatric diseases2024-12-31GYERM
Tibor KalmárIdentification of genetic causes of congenital malformation syndromes2024-12-31GYERM
Krisztina KapornaiBiobehavioral inflexibility and juvenile onset major depression2024-12-31Gyerm
Gábor Kovács
Csaba Bereczki
The role of mannose binding lectin on infectious diseases in paediatric oncology patients2024-12-31GYERM
László Sztriha
Tibor Kalmár
Genetic causes of global developmental delay and intellectual disability. Clinical experineces with next-generation sequencing in a cohort of patients2024-12-31GYERM
Péter József TóthTraumatic brain injury-induced cerebrovascular dysfunction in animal models and humans2024-12-31IDSEB
Judit SágiExamination of the asset composition and the income generation capability of enterprises, using complex ratio analysis and bankruptcy models. Investigation of the impact2024-09-30BGE
Anikó MarázComplex oncological treatment of malignant tumors2024-12-31ONKO
Zoltán VargaNew radiotherapy procedures for the treatment of cancer patients2024-12-31ONKO
Zoltán Varga3D printing for radiotherapy2024-12-31ONKO
Gábor Nagy-GróczInteraction of different forms of exercise with migraine and the endocrine system2024-12-31EEMT

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