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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, Theoretical Medicine Doctoral School

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Ádám LégrádiRegulation of neuronal and glial functions by carbohydrate binding proteins in cell cultures2024-12-31MOLMD
András Szekeres
Péter Sántha
Bioanalytical examinations of endogenous metabolites2024-12-31Micb
Krisztina BuzásExosomal information transfer through the blood-brain-barrier2024-12-31FOK
Mária Anna Deli
Szilvia Veszelka
Targeting nanoparticles across the blood-brain barrier2024-12-31SZBK
Mária Anna Deli
Zsófia Hoyk
Analysis of blood-brain barrier characteristics in inflammatory conditions using animal models and endothelial cell cultures2024-12-31SZBK
István Krizbai
Elek Attila Farkas
Role of the neurovascular unit in inflammatory processes of the central nervous system2024-12-31SZBK
István KrizbaiNeurovascular unit under physiological and pathological conditions2024-12-31SZBK
László SiklósDevelopment of a computer assisted, dissector-based quantitative morphometry system and its application for electron microscopic structural analysis of specimens from the2024-12-31SZBK
László Siklós
Roland Patai
Investigation of ultrastructural alterations and microanalytical changes associated with degeneration of motor neurons2024-12-31SZBK
László Siklós
Roland Patai
Study of immune/inflammatory processes in models of neurodegeneration2024-12-31SZBK
Imola WilhelmRole of the blood-brain barrier in the formation of brain metastases2024-12-31SZBK
Eszter HegyiMechanism of genetic risk in chronic pancreatitis2024-12-31TMI
Péter HegyiInvestigation of the early phase of acute and chronic pancreatitis: from bed to the bench side research2024-12-31TMI
Róbert AdalbertMechanisms of distal axonal degeneration in long peripheral nerves2024-12-31Anat
Endre DobóThe origins and targets of the hippocampal cholinergic nerve fibers2024-12-31ANAT
Antal NógrádiThe role of endogen progenitors in spinal cord regeneration2024-12-31ANAT
Zsolt László DatkiIn vivo modeling the role of serotonergic system in longevity regulation2024-12-31PSYCH
Gabriella Nagyné EördeghLearning functions is psychiatric disorders.2024-12-31PSYCH
Károly GulyaLocalization of microglial cells in normal and pathologic human brain2024-12-31SMMT
Gábor ParagiComputational investigations of molecular interactions in protein-ligand complexes or in self-assembling nucleic acid systems.2024-12-31BSRG
Tim CrulNanodomain-specific characterization of the membrane contact site proteome during store-operated calcium entry2024-12-31BelKl
Tim CrulProteomic characterization of pancreatic ductal organoids: towards biomarker identification and personalized medicine2024-12-31BelKl

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