Current thesis topic proposals of The
Current thesis topic proposals of The

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Zsolt SzabóInvestigation of ventilation strategies during thoracic surgery on enhanced postoperative recovery after surgery2024-12-31KRÉKF
Zsolt István BagyuraExamination of novel data collection and data utilization methods in the medical information technology2025-04-05SEETK
Gábor ÉlőQuality management and patient safety in health care2024-09-01SEETK
Helga Judit FeithResearch of social roles and conflicts from a health science perspective2024-09-01SEETK
Ágnes Lukács J.Relational captal of the aspect of physical and mental health2024-09-01SEETK
Andrea MolnárClinical nutrition2024-09-01SEETK
Zsuzsanna NémethThe role of complementary treatments in prevension of non-communicable diseases , moreover their effects on disease progression and efficiety of conventional treatment2025-04-05SEETK
Gábor Ferenc PörzseScience, research and innovation policy and management, as well as its practical applications2024-09-01SEETK
Gábor Ferenc PörzseScience, research and innovation policy and management, as well as its practical applications2024-09-01SEETK
Lajos Attila RéthyTools for the early prevention of allergies and other civilization-related diseases2024-09-01SEETK
Lajos Attila RéthyTools for the early prevention of allergies and other civilization-related diseases2024-09-01SEETK
Lajos Attila RéthyTools for the early prevention of allergies and other civilization-related diseases2024-09-01SEETK
Gábor SzabóDiagnosis and managements of gynacological oncological diseases2024-09-01SEETK
Johanna TakácsCareer processes and planning of health professionals, examining labour market mobility2024-09-01SEETK
Johanna TakácsAssessment of cognitive functioning in different conditions2025-04-30SEETK
Krisztina FicsorTheoretical Problems of Law and Judicial Reasoning in the 21st Century2024-08-21C107
Anna KérchyThe Literary Fantastic: from Gothic to Postmodernism; Theories of the Fantastic2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyChildren's literature, Young Adult Literature, Fairy-Tale Studies2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyIntermedial Cultural Representations and Fantastic Imagination in the Victorian and Postmodern Period2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyTheories of posthumanism, literary and artistic representations of humanimal relations and metamorphoses2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyIntersections of Women's Literature and Arts, Gender Studies, and Body Studies, with a speciel interest in Corporeal Narratology2025-03-313303
Pál Barzó
Lívia Ivaskó
Tacking brain representation of Hungarian foreing languages during the early learning period of children2024-12-31Neuro
Péter KlivényiNovel therapeutics in neurodegenerative disorders.2024-12-31NEURO
Levente SzalárdyAssessment of biomarkers and pathogenic pathways in neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system2024-12-31NEURO
Délia SzokEffect of hormonal contraception to the primary headache disorders2024-12-31NEURO
Délia SzokEmotional perception and communication in pain syndromes2024-12-31NEURO
Dániel György HorváthViewpoint change - Self- and medium-reflexive artistic practices2025-04-15MKEDI
Péter PetschnerOmics-based investigations of polygenic central nervous system disorders2024-09-30SE DI
Péter PetschnerApplication of artificial intelligence algorithms for novel drug target discovery in polygenic disorders2024-09-30SE DI
Kornél Kovács
Kinga Turzó
Interaction between bacteria and biomaterials in the oral cavity2024-12-31BIOTE
László HalászThe philosophy of rational reasoning2024-08-31KPVK
László HalászCausation and ethics2024-08-31KPVK
Balázs KékesiPhilosophy of cognitive science2024-08-31KPVK
Petra Maksa-Egrifeltöltés alatt2024-08-31KPVK
László MolnárAnthropological investigation of visual culture.2024-08-31KPVK
László MolnárPossibilities of visual hermeneutics in the 21st century2024-08-31KPVK
Janka Teodóra NagyLaw as a cultural phenomenon in the conceptual system of legal and social philosophy2024-08-31KPVK
Janka Teodóra NagyLaw as a cultural phenomenon in the conceptual system of legal and social philosophy2024-08-31KPVK
Zsolt NemeskériMeaning of Work in Cultural and Religious Comparisons2024-08-31KPVK
Zsolt NemeskériMetaphysical foundations of the economy2024-08-31KPVK
Zsolt NemeskériMetaphysical foundations of the economy2024-08-31KPVK
Zsuzsanna SchnellApplied philosophy, Philosophy of Education, Theory of education2024-08-31KPVK
Zsuzsanna SchnellPragmatics, language philosophy, psychology and philosophy of discourse2024-08-31KPVK
Katalin Szoboszlai-KissHungarian Political Theorists2024-08-31KPVK
Katalin Szoboszlai-KissHistory of Ancient Philosophy2024-08-31KPVK
Katalin Szoboszlai-KissModern Ethical Challenges2024-08-31KPVK
Margit Pál
Márta Széll
Genetic background of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis2024-12-31Gen
Gábor ParagiComputational investigations of molecular interactions in protein-ligand complexes or in self-assembling nucleic acid systems.2024-12-31BSRG
Zoltán ifj Rakonczay
Lóránd Kiss
Investigating the effect of organosulfur molecules on the severity of experimental acute pancreatitis2024-12-31KÓRÉL
György Bártfai
Tamás Bitó
Preservation of reproductive health - a holistic approach2024-12-31SZÜL
Tamás BitóDiabetes and pregnancy2024-12-31SZÜL
Zoltán KozinszkyQuestionnaires studies focusing on infertility and pregnancy.2024-12-31SZÜL
Zoltán KozinszkyPathologic pregnancies: specific interventions, sonographic characteristics, pregnancy outcome2024-12-31SZÜL
Zoltán KozinszkyContraceptive behaviour in Hungary.2024-12-31SZÜL
Gábor NémethThe new therapeutic possibilities in female pelvic floor reconstruction2024-12-31SZÜL
Andrea Surányi
Gábor Németh
The investigation of fetoplacental system by ultrasound.2024-12-31SZÜL
Tim Crul„Functional role of lipid raft and non-raft membrane domains in compartmentation of Ca2+-induced cAMP signaling in polarized epithelial cells”2024-12-31In1st
László CzakóTherapeutic ERCP2024-12-31IN1ST
László Czakó
Balázs Németh
Clinical implications of rare predisposing factors for chronic pancreatitis2024-12-31In1st
László CzakóTherapeutic endoscopic ultrasound in pancreatic diseases2024-12-31In1st
László CzakóEarly diagnosis of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31In1st
László CzakóInteractions between the exocrine and endocrine pancreas2024-12-31In1st
Klaudia FarkasEvaluation of clinical and therapeutic response based on patient-specific cytokine and microbiome profile in inflammatory bowel diseases2024-12-31In1st
Csaba Lengyel
Norbert Buzás
Evidence-based patient pathway management in oncology and diabetology2024-12-31In1st
Csaba LengyelAnalysis of parameters characterizing QT variability in patients with several pathophysiological conditions2024-12-31IN1ST
József MaléthAnalysis of tumor-stromal cell interactions with organoid co-culture system2024-12-31In1st
Balázs NémethGenetics of pancreatitis2024-12-31In1st
Petra PallagiThe role of Ca2+ signaling in the physiology and pathophysiology of the pancreatic ductal epithelial cells.2024-12-31In1st
Petra PallagiInvestigation of ethiological background of pancreatic involvement in inflammatory bowel disease.2024-12-31In1st
Richárd RókaEpidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome2024-12-31in1st
Richárd RókaEtiology and diagnosis of colorectal neoplasm2024-12-31IN1ST
Richárd RókaPathogenetical role of intesinal barrier function in functional gastrointestinal diseases2024-12-31in1st
András RosztóczyClinical and experimental evaluation of eosinophylic esophagitis.2024-12-31In1st
András RosztóczyCharacteristics of Helicobacter pylori infection in Hungary2024-12-31in1st
Zoltán Szepes
Renáta Bor
Efficacy and safety of endoscopic procedures in the diagnosis colorectal cancers and in the treatment of early carcinomas2024-12-31In1st
Zoltán SzepesEfficacy of diagnostic and palliative endoscopic procedures in the management of upper gastrointestinal malignancies2024-12-31In1ST
Zoltán SzepesOperative endoscopic interventions2024-12-31IN1ST
Zsuzsanna ValkuszInvestigation the effects of Endocrine Disruptor Compounds (EDC) in neuroendocrine system in vitro and in vivo2024-12-31in1st
Dóra Tombácz
Zsolt Boldogkői
András DinnyésModelling neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases in vitro using humaninduced pluripotent stem cell-based systems2024-12-31BŐRKL
Vera Farkas-KérchyPerformativity and Theatricality2025-03-311133
Vera Farkas-KérchyLiterary Theory, Interdisciplinary Perspectives2025-03-311133
Vera Farkas-KérchyDrama and Theatre2025-03-311133
Tamás JászayContemporary World Theatre2025-03-311133
Tamás JászayContemporary Drama and Theatre2025-03-311133
Tamás JászayHistories of Hungarian Theatre in the 20th and 21st Century2025-03-311133
Tibor PankotaiMapping the connection between DNA repair and tumorigenesis2024-12-31FOKOR
Tibor PankotaiDevelopment of new generation serum based tumor diagnostics2024-12-31FOKOR
Márk AntalSynergy between Tobacco Smoking and Periodontitis in Systemic Diseases2024-12-31FOG
Irén Annus(Visual culture in the US2025-03-313213
Irén AnnusIdentity Studies in American context2025-03-313213
Gábor Bernát
Géza Balázs Selmeczy
Light acclimation of algae and cyanobacteria isolated from Hungarian freshwaters2024-08-31UPRGL
Florence BoulerieFrench literature and arts of the 18th century2025-03-31PE121
Márió GajdácsKnowledge and attitudes of healthcare staff regarding antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance2024-12-31Oral
Márió GajdácsFactors affecting burnout and workplace satisfaction levels among pharmacy staff2024-12-31Oral
Gábor TóthCharacteristics and pitfalls of healthcare processes at the national and international level2024-08-15DELMI
József Gábor KovácsRecycling of high molecular weight thermoplastic materials2024-10-15PT
József Gábor KovácsHybrid molds for lightweight composites2024-10-15PT
László MészárosCompatibilizing effect of ionizing radiation on polyolefin/crumb rubber blends2024-10-15PT
Kolos MolnárPolymer nanofibers in multifunctional hierarchical structures2024-10-15PT

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )