Thesis topic proposal
László Pataki
Theoretical questions and practical consequences of banking sector regulation


Institute: John Von Neumann University
business and management
John von Neumann University Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration

Thesis supervisor: László Pataki
Location of studies (in Hungarian): John von Neumann University Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: NJE

Description of the research topic:

The regulation of banking operations has undergone significant changes. Within the framework of the research topic, it is possible to analyze the banking regulations in force in each country in a comparative manner and to compare them with international standards. It is possible to examine how the tightening of the rules affects the functioning of the banking systems of individual countries (profitability, efficiency, the ratio of non-performing loans, market concentration, the evolution of the loan/deposit ratio, etc.), as well as the performance of the national economy.
In recent decades, the globalization that has increasingly appeared in the field of financial affairs has drawn attention to the regulation of the operation of banks even more strongly than before. As a result of banking integrations, banking giants were created whose balance sheet total exceeds the value of the GDP of the mother country several times over. Currently, around 30 financial institutions can be identified in the world, the possible "collapse" of which would have not only local but also global consequences. The issue of bank regulation goes back centuries. The creation of the FED in the USA in 1907 can already be seen as a step in this direction. The Glass-Steagall Act, adopted in 1933, and then the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Acts of 1999 can be considered milestones in banking regulation. The latter also played a significant role in the creation of the financial crisis that broke out in 2008. The prudent operation of financial institutions is a prerequisite for the stability of the economy. In prudential regulation, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), which operates within the framework of the Bank for International Settlements, is the main global standard-setter, which also functions as a forum for the development of international banking supervisory cooperation. The so-called The development of the "Basel rule system" and its compliance are prerequisites for the prudent operation of the banking system and the stability of individual national economies. In addition, in recent years, serious efforts have been made in the European Union towards the creation of a "banking union". Special attention must also be paid to ensure that possible "over-regulation" does not cause a decline in performance at the macroeconomic level.

Possible research directions:
 It is possible to conduct a comparative analysis of the banking regulations in force in each country and to compare them with international standards. The subject of investigation may be how the tightening of the regulation of banks affects the functioning of the banking systems of individual countries (profitability, efficiency, the ratio of non-performing loans, market concentration, the evolution of the loan/deposit ratio, etc.), as well as the performance of the national economy. There is also a way to compare the deposit insurance systems operating in individual countries and to examine the consequences of bank failures.

The most important publications of the topic announcer in the proposed research topic:
1. Főglein Gy., Zéman Z., - Pataki L. (2022): A comparative study of strategies suitable for hedging the foreign exchange rate risk of a big company. Economy and Finance: English language edition of Gazdaság és Pénzügy 9 : 3 pp. 155-188.
2. Cseh B., Pataki L., Varga J. (2022): A három legjelentősebb iszlám bank szabályozási környezetének összehasonlító elemzése. In: Resperger R. (szerk.) Társadalo – Gazdaság – Természet: Szinergiák a fenntartható fejlődésben. Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia előadáskivonatok. Soproni Egyetemi Kiadó. 155 p. pp. 82-83
3. Kenesey Zs.; Pataki L; Tóth R. (2021): A banki szabályozói követelmények szigorításának hatása az Európai Unió bankszektorának jövedelmezőségére és a nemteljesítő hitelek arányára. Polgári Szemle: Gazdasági és társadalmi folyóirat 17 : 1-3 pp. 137-151.,
4. Kenesey Zs.; Tóth R., Patyi B., Pataki L. (2021): The Impact of the Tightening of Banking Regulatory Requirements on the Profitability and Concentration of the Banking Sector in the European Union. Polgári Szemle: Gazdasági és társadalmi folyóirat 17 : Special Issue pp. 173-186.
5. Kozma N.; Pataki L.; Vajna Istvánné Tangl A. (2018): A bankszabályozás viselkedés-gazdaságtani megközelítése. Gazdaság és Társadalom 11 : 3-4 pp. 21-34.

Deadline for application: 2024-05-31

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