Thesis topic proposal
György Kövér
István Nagy
Development of selection indices in the Hungarian pig breeds


Institute: University of Kaposvár
animal husbandry
Doctoral School of Animal Science

Thesis supervisor: István Nagy
co-supervisor: György Kövér
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Kaposvári Egyetem, Agrár-és Környezettudományi Kar, Állatgenetikai és Biotechnológiai Tanszék
Abbreviation of location of studies: AKKAT

Description of the research topic:

Different selection indices will be constructed based on the performance (field and station) test data of the Hungarian Pig Breeders’ Association collected between 2007-2018 considering all of the important breeds (Hungarian Large White, Hungarian Landrace, Duroc, Hampshire, Pietrain). The registered traits will be evaluated with multi-trait animal models based on the REML method using VCE and ASREML softwares. Based on the estimated genetic parameters, selection indices for the traits to be evaluated and expected genetic trends will be calculated using the Selaction software. The BLUP selection indices will be constructed based on different target traits and for different index structures (eg. desired gain index; index transformed to a given mean and standard distribution etc). The consequence of the application of these different indices will also be tested. The final aim of the thesis to develop the BLUP selection indices finding the best target traits and index structure. These indices can be adopted in the Hungarian pig breeding program.

Required language skills: angol
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2017-06-10

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