Thesis topic proposal
István Budai
Research on application-centric composites


Institute: University of Debrecen
mechanical engineering
Pekár Imre Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering

Thesis supervisor: István Budai
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering
Abbreviation of location of studies: DE MK

Description of the research topic:

The engineering application of composites is widespread because they are easy to use, making them an effective engineering material for the design of structures, where they can be used as stand-alone materials or in combination with other materials.
To this end, it is necessary to evaluate the physical and chemical response of these materials under different conditions in order to gain a thorough understanding of their deformation behaviour.
The aim of the research is to explore new applications for composites materials and to create the specific property required by the application and model and optimise the properties of the structure. Research and development will include material and structure testing of new structures and modification based on the tests.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-11-15

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