Thesis topic proposal
Studying the associations between microbial patterns in the human gut flora and diseases via microbiome analysis


Institute: University of Szeged
theoretical medicine
Doctoral School of Interdisciplinary Medicine

Thesis supervisor: Lajos Haracska
Location of studies (in Hungarian): HCEMM BRC
Abbreviation of location of studies: HCEMM

Description of the research topic:

The human colon flora is a complex ecological system comprising indigenous bacteriophages, archae, prokaryotes, and eukaryotic organisms. The number of microbes in the intestinal tract of an adult is estimated to be 100 billion, which is almost twice the number of our own cells. Some of the microbes are beneficial for the host organism since they ferment dietary fibres into short-chain fatty acids, which are then utilized by the host, or synthetize vitamins that the host cannot. Thus, our diet depends, in part, on our gut flora. Our gut flora is also a useful ally in fighting against pathogens and modulating our immune system; it can help prevent diseases. Recently, more and more evidence indicate the relationship between the gut flora and different diseases. Obesity, for example, can be linked to certain changes in the microbial populations, and association between the gut flora and the development of colon cancer can also be seen. Although the gut flora fulfils multiple functions, the homeostasis within the gastrointestinal tract is mostly unknown. Bacterial species composition differs from individual to individual, and it also changes with time.
The aim of our research is to identify new bacterial patterns associated with diseases and to develop novel methods of treatment for diseases with already known microbial backgrounds, based on existing research results.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2022-06-30

2024. IV. 17.
ODT ülés
Az ODT következő ülésére 2024. június 14-én, pénteken 10.00 órakor kerül sor a Semmelweis Egyetem Szenátusi termében (Bp. Üllői út 26. I. emelet).

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