by name by research topic archives  
name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
Zsolt NemessályiZsolt NemessályiDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2007-11-012023-09-19
Imre ErtseyDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2007-11-012013-09-29
Gábor SzabóGábor SzabóDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2007-11-012022-10-21
János LazányiDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2007-11-012015-09-16
János (1936-2015) BorsosDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2007-11-012015-09-16
Barnabás RekeDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2011-09-272011-12-02
Mihály FülöpMihály FülöpDoctoral School of Management and BusinessNational University of Public Service, Budapest*; University of DebrecenCore member2011-09-272014-09-16
László HuzsvaiLászló HuzsvaiDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2012-10-302016-08-31
István SzűcsIstván SzűcsDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2013-02-042015-09-16
Miklós PakurárMiklós PakurárDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2013-02-042015-09-16
Attila BaiAttila BaiDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2013-02-042016-02-25
Mihály FülöpMihály FülöpDoctoral School of Management and BusinessNational University of Public Service, Budapest*; University of DebrecenCore member2015-03-012016-02-25
Béla BaranyiDoctoral School of Management and BusinessUniversity of Debrecen*Core member2015-04-012016-08-31
Judit OláhJudit OláhDoctoral School of Management and BusinessJohn Von Neumann University*; University of DebrecenCore member2022-01-202022-09-01

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