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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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List of all the thesis topic proposals

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deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Anna Laura HideghCritical management studies2024-12-31BCE
Ildikó HorváthCognitive Aspects of Virtual Reality (cVR)2024-12-31BCE
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárEnergy market fragility EU, US and beyond2024-12-31BCE
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárProperty prices during and after the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and Asia.2024-12-31BCE
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárMarket efficiency - the new normal post Covid -19 pandemic2024-12-31BCE
Tibor IllésApplications of Vector Optimization Problems in Business and Economics2024-12-31BCE
Andrea KőIndustry 4.0 Maturity Model2024-12-31BCE
Erzsébet KovácsInternational comparison of pension systems2024-12-31BCE
Gergely KovátsHigher education management2024-12-31BCE
Miklós KozmaBusiness model innovations in a digital environment2024-12-31BCE
László Péter LakatosReflecting the connection between the entity and its environment in the financial statements and other reports. ESG reporting2024-12-31BCE
László Péter LakatosAccounting for employee benefits and similar incentive2024-12-31BCE
Dávid LosonciFirm competitiveness2024-12-31BCE
Dávid LosonciThe impact of process innovation on business performance2024-12-31BCE
Róbert MarciniakBusiness services management2024-12-31BCE
Gábor MichalkóTourism and transdisciplinarity2024-12-31BCE
Tamás MizikState and opportunities of biofuels2024-12-31BCE
Péter MóriczDigital transformation in organizations, digitalization of business models and processes2024-12-31BCE
Miklós PálfiaOptimization, gradient flows and nonlinear probability theory2024-12-31BCE
György PatakiSocial innovation, social enterprise, solidarity economy2024-12-31BCE
Fanni RenczSocietal and patient preferences in healthcare: utility assessment, cost-effectiveness and financial decision-making2024-12-31BCE
Ágnes SzukitsData-driven management and control2024-12-31BCE
Attila TasnádiTopics in computational social choice2024-12-31BCE
Krisztina Városiné DemeterThe contribution of operations management to performance2024-12-31BCE
Orsolya VásárhelyiLeveraging Diversity to Mitigate Algorithmic Discrimination in Data Science2024-12-31BCE
Orsolya VásárhelyiIntersectional Inequalities in Online Science Dissemination2024-12-31BCE
Johannes WachsDigital Supply Chains2024-12-31BCE
Attila WiesztFamily business research2024-12-31BCE
Ákos KukoveczSynthesis and sensor application of nanocarbon thin films2024-09-01AKKT
Gábor VargaSynthesis and catalytic applications of all-solid F(rustrated)L(ewis)P(air) catalysts2024-09-01AKKT
Attila BartaMajor trends in the transformation of territorial state administration in the European public administration in the 21st century2024-08-21A/220
Endre DomokosUse of traditional ecological knowledge of herders in sustainable rangeland management2024-08-31PE MK
Zoltán BaráthFogászati implantátumok élettartamát meghatározó tényezők vizsgálata2024-12-31FOK
Krisztina BuzásExosomal information transfer through the blood-brain-barrier2024-12-31FOK
Márk Tibor FráterFibre-reinforced biomimetic direct and indirect restorations2024-12-31FOK
Anette StájerSocial determinants of oral health and health behavior2024-12-31FOK
Ákos CsonkaClinical features atipcal femoral fractures2024-12-31TRAUM
Ákos CsonkaInhibition of efflux pumps in cancer chemotherapy2024-12-31TRAUM
Sándor Pintér
Andrea Domján
Prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal deficits2024-12-31TRAUM
Adrienn NagyHungarian and international features of procedures for securing creditors' claims2024-12-31ME
Réka PusztahelyiEffects of the technology for civil law liability2024-12-31ME
Péter Máté SipkaThe challenges of the regulation of work in the light of the changing labour market2024-08-21C/109
Zoltán VargaHungarian and international regulation of state (public)revenue2024-12-31ME
Márton Leó ZaccariaThe employment-related questions of equal treatment2024-08-21C/109
Márton Leó ZaccariaFundamental values and changes in the legal protection of the employees among the current employment tendencies2024-08-21C/109
Márton Leó ZaccariaThe importance and limitation of human rights in labour law2024-08-21C/109
Márta GálfiMethods of the neuroendocrine research2024-12-31KBIOL
Lajos HaracskaStudying the associations between microbial patterns in the human gut flora and diseases via microbiome analysis2024-12-31HCEMM
Lőrinc Sándor PongorIdentifying novel patient subgroups by integrating genomics and epigenetics data2024-12-31HCEMM
Lőrinc Sándor PongorIntegrative Genomic and Epigenomic Analysis of Small Cell Lung Cancer Evolution2024-12-31HCEMM
József Gábor KovácsHybrid molds for lightweight composites2024-10-15PT
József Gábor KovácsRecycling of high molecular weight thermoplastic materials2024-10-15PT
László MészárosCompatibilizing effect of ionizing radiation on polyolefin/crumb rubber blends2024-10-15PT
Kolos MolnárPolymer nanofibers in multifunctional hierarchical structures2024-10-15PT
Viktória VengloveczThe role of ion transport mechanisms in the inflammatory diseases of the esophagus2024-12-31FFI
Viktória VengloveczThe role of mucin in the pathomechanism of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31FFI
Viktória VengloveczRelationship between diabetes and cystic fibrosis2024-12-31FFI
Viktória VengloveczRole of iontransporters in the development and progression of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31FFI
Zsolt László DatkiIn vivo modeling the role of serotonergic system in longevity regulation2024-12-31PSYCH
Gabriella Nagyné EördeghLearning functions is psychiatric disorders.2024-12-31PSYCH
István SzendiStress reduction with biofeedback methods2024-12-31Psych
Edit NagyBalance rehabilitation and preventive balance trainings2024-12-31FIZIO
János NagyillésReception of Ancient Culture and Literature2025-03-313105
Mária Barnai
István Kósa
Development of Telerehabilitation Technologies2024-12-31ORFMT
Márk AntalSynergy between Tobacco Smoking and Periodontitis in Systemic Diseases2024-12-31FOG
Tamás Beöthe
Tibor Pankotai
Molecular profiling of urologic cancers2024-12-31Path
József Furák
Farkas Sükösd
Assessment of the Clinically Value of Intraoperative Molecular Monitoring Techniques for Surgical Resection Margin Observation Involving Liquide Biopsy2024-12-31PATH
Zsolt László DatkiIn vivo catabolism of Alzheimer’s disease specific beta-amyloid in Philodina acuticornis2024-12-31PSZIC
Zsolt László DatkiGastrointestinal motility in different psychiatric disorders2024-12-31Pszic
Ildikó KovácsClinical neuroscience correlates of affective disorders2024-12-31PSZIC
Réka SzakácsGlutamatergic neurotransmission in mental disorders2024-12-31PSZIC
Réka SzakácsNeuropsychiatric aspects of the morphofunctional organisation of the hippocampus2024-12-31PSZIC
István SzendiMental state screening of the health care professionals working in the frontline of COVID-19 pandemic, and the role of the music therapy in restoring their mental health2024-12-31PSZIC
István SzendiSelective and indicated secondary prevention of psychotic spectrum disorders2024-12-31PSZIC
István SzilvásiAppropriate use of new methods of nuclear cardiology in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease2024-08-31ÁEK
Éva Kereszty
Róbert Sepp
Sudden cardiac death in forensic medicine practice: difficulties in differential diagnostics2024-12-31IOI
Ellen BosDekonsolidierung der Demokratie in Mittel- und Osteuropa2025-04-01AUB
Ellen BosNeue Konzepte der Demokratie und Autokratie2025-04-01AUB
Ellen BosDie Rolle Ungarns in Europa2025-04-01AUB
Ellen BosEU und Russland: Integrationskonkurrenz in „Zwischeneuropa“2025-04-01AUB
Ellen BosPopulismus in Mittel- und Osteuropa2025-04-01AUB
Martina EckardtParticipatory Budgeting – empirische Analyse aus polit-ökonomischer Perspektive2025-04-01AUB
Martina EckardtLegalTech – Stand, Entwicklung, Wirkungen der Digitalisierung auf das Rechtssystem2025-04-01AUB
Martina EckardtGrenzüberschreitende Regionaler Innovationssysteme – Formen, Entwicklungsbedingungen, Wirkungen2025-04-01AUB
Martina EckardtMeine Daten gehören mir! Oder doch nicht? – Die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung aus verbraucherpolitischer Perspektive2025-04-01AUB
Martina EckardtPopulismus, Autokratie und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung - eine empirische Analyse aus Perspektive der Neuen Politischen Ökonomie2025-04-01AUB
Martina EckardtDie Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf den Staatshaushalt - insb. im Hinblick auf die kommunale Ebene2025-04-01AUB
Michael GehlerVon Paneuropa zur Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas 1922-20222025-04-01AUB
Michael GehlerGeschichte der Großreiche und Imperien von der Neuzeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert2025-04-01AUB
Michael GehlerEinigungsideen und Europakonzepte der Neueren und Neuesten Geschichte2025-04-01AUB
Christina GriesslerPolitik in den Staaten des Westbalkans und Südosteuropas2025-04-01AUB
Christina GriesslerPolitische und ethnische Konflikte in Europa2025-04-01AUB
Tim Alexander HerbergerDer Erfolg von Handelsstrategien in Zeiten des Hochfrequenzhandels: Eine empirische Analyse2025-04-01AUB
Tim Alexander HerbergerNachhaltig und Diversität als Bewertungsfaktoren in Multifaktorenmodellen: Eine empirisch gestützte Modellierung2025-04-01AUB
Tim Alexander HerbergerSustainable Finance als das „neue“ Finance: Gibt es eine Untergewichtung ökonomischer Entscheidungskriterien in Investitions- und Finanzierungsentscheidungen?2025-04-01AUB
Tim Alexander HerbergerFinTechs vs. TechFins: Und der Gewinner ist? Eine ökonomische Analyse2025-04-01AUB
Tim Alexander HerbergerForensic Finance & Digitalisierung: Eine empirische Analyse2025-04-01AUB
Tim Alexander HerbergerDas Benfordsche Gesetz als Instrument in der Forensic Finance: Eine Analyse praktischer Anwendungsfelder2025-04-01AUB
Tim Alexander HerbergerIst die national-orientierte Außenpolitik mittel- und osteuropäischer Länder und der Versuch internationale Investoren zur Finanzierung des nationalen Wirtschaftswachstum2025-04-01AUB
András HettyeyDeutsche Außenpolitik und Mitteleuropa nach der Wende2025-04-01AUB

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