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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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List of all the thesis topic proposals

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deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Dóra Tombácz
Zsolt Boldogkői
Tibor VargaThe role of licit and illicit drugs in traffic accidents2024-12-31IGORV
Tibor VargaThe role of alcoholic impairment in traffic2024-12-31IGORV
István FöldesCombinatorics of data compression codes2024-12-31INF
István FöldesConceptual questions of information and information technology in European criminal law2024-12-31INF
Szilveszter KovácsFuzzy State Machine based Behavior Models2024-12-31INF
László KovácsNeural Networks in Optimisation Problems2024-12-31INF
László KovácsAttribute Reduction in Semantic Models2024-12-31INF
László KovácsNeural Networks in Ontology2024-12-31INF
András DinnyésModelling neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases in vitro using humaninduced pluripotent stem cell-based systems2024-12-31BŐRKL
János NagyillésReception of Ancient Culture and Literature2025-03-313105
Boudewijn Van LeeuwenMachine learning in Geoinformatics2024-11-20USZ
Éva Kereszty
Róbert Sepp
Sudden cardiac death in forensic medicine practice: difficulties in differential diagnostics2024-12-31IOI
Tamás VárkonyiAssessment of the decisive factors in the prevention of the development and the progrewion of polyneuropathy in endocrine disorders2024-12-31Bel.K
Tamás VárkonyiAssessment of the decisive factors in the prevention of the development and the progrewion of polyneuropathy in endocrine disorders2024-12-31Bel.K
Tamás LetohaThe role of syndecans in pathological protein aggregation2024-12-31Pharm
Péter Klivényi
Cecília Rajda
Genetic, epidemiologic and clinical investigations related to monogenic neurodegenerative diseases2024-12-31NEUR
Dezső Németh
Nikoletta Szabó
Non-invasive brain stimulation2024-12-31NEUR
Katalin Sas
Norbert Jeszenői
Use and attitudes to non-conventional methods in neurology care2024-12-31NEUR
Krisztián Sisák
Kálmán Tóth
Characterization of soft tissue injury during lower limb arthroplastry using DAMPs2024-12-31NEUR
István Attila PirosDevelopment of a Continuous Cryogenic Pellet Extruder and Determining Its Operational Parameters for Plasma Fuelling and Plasma Density Control in Fusion Reactors2024-10-15GT3
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsDiscourses of American modernism2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsModernist US travel writing from postcolonial perspectives2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsAfrican American women writers and the fictional rewriting of US history2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsDiscourses of American realism2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsAfrican American women writers and the fictional rewriting of US history2025-03-31PE128
Péter CsatárMetaphor analysis2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárMetaphor analysis2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárTranslation studies2024-08-31DEBTK
Péter CsatárMetaphor analysis2024-08-31DEBTK
Péter CsatárTranslation studies2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárTranslation studies2024-08-31DEBTK
Péter CsatárGerman pronominal system2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárGerman pronominal system2024-08-31DEBTK
Éva KardosArgument structure2024-08-31DEBTK
Éva KardosTense and aspect across languages2024-11-15DEBTK
Éva KardosTense and aspect across languages2024-08-31DEBTK
Éva KardosArgument structure2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissProblems of Text Linguistics in Contemporary French Language2024-08-31DEBTK
Sándor KissProblems of Text Linguistics in Contemporary French Language2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissThe Latin-Romance Transition: Documents and Theoretical Approach2024-08-31DEBTK
Sándor KissProblems of Text Linguistics in Contemporary French2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissThe Latin-Romance Transition: Documents and Theoretical Approach2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissProblems of Text Linguistics in Contemporary French2024-08-31DEBTK
György RákosiSpecial varieties of language2024-08-31DEBTK
György RákosiConstructions at the syntax-semantics interface2024-08-31DEBTK
György RákosiSpecial varieties of language2024-11-15DEBTK
György RákosiConstructions at the syntax-semantics interface2024-11-15DEBTK
György RákosiLanguage acquisition2024-08-31DEBTK
György RákosiLanguage acquisition2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter SzűcsThe linguistic properties and behavior of pronouns2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter SzűcsThe linguistic properties and behavior of pronouns2024-08-31DEBTK
Péter SzűcsCross-clausal dependencies2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter SzűcsCross-clausal dependencies2024-08-31DEBTK
Ágoston TóthQuantitative lexicography2024-11-15DEBTK
Enikő TóthExperimental semantics/pragmatics2024-08-31DEBTK
Enikő TóthExperimental semantics/pragmatics2024-11-15DEBTK
Ágoston TóthQuantitative lexicography2024-08-31DEBTK
Enikő TóthGrammar and pragmatics2024-08-31DEBTK
Enikő TóthGrammar and Pragmatics2024-11-15DEBTK
Dániel Érces
Gabriella Varga
Influencing the macrohemodynamic, microcirculatory and inflammatory consequences of cardiac tamponade by methane inhalation2024-12-31SMI
Gabriella Varga
Dániel Érces
Effects of complement C5a inhibitor therapy on macro- and microcirculatory disturbances in experimental models of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia2024-12-31SMI
Sándor CzeglédiThe seal of biliteracy movement2024-08-31UP
Ulrike Jessner-SchmidCrosslinguistic interaction in multilinguals in Hungary2024-08-31UP
Gábor KovácsAttention and memory processes in language learning2024-08-31UP
Gábor KovácsThe role of practice and automatization in language development2024-08-31UP
Gábor KovácsExplicit, implicit, and statistical learning processes in second language acquisition2024-08-31UP
Andrea ParapaticsSociolinguistic aspects of L1 education2024-08-31UP
Andrea ParapaticsLanguage attitudes towards regional diversity2024-08-31UP
Edit NagyBalance rehabilitation and preventive balance trainings2024-12-31FIZIO
Zsuzsanna MátéHealth effects of climate change2024-12-31Puhe
Regina MolnárSociocultural aspects of acculturation2024-12-31Puhe
Edit Paulik
Hajnalka Orvos
Health status, lifestyle and health literacy of pregnant women2024-12-31PUHE
Edit Paulik
Regina Molnár
Health behavior of international students and related factors2024-12-31PUHE
Edit PaulikThe role of nutritional status and nutritional therapy in the treatment of surgical patients2024-12-31PUHE
László CsedrekiStudy of astrophysically relevant nuclear reactions2024-08-15TanL
Mónika Edit Görögné FeketeThe key to healthy aging: nutrition and disease prevention in an epidemiological context2025-05-30MONI
Csaba BajuszNucleoside-modified mRNA-LNP vaccine development and optimization against African swine fever virus (ASFV)2024-08-31SZBK
Gábor Balogh
Mária Péter
Lipidmetabolism in tumour development2024-08-31SZBK
Attila BoricsInvestigation of the mechanism of function of G protein-coupled transmembrane receptors in atomic details.2024-08-31SZBK
Bálint Csörgő
Zsolt Czimmerer
Investigation of interactions between macrophages and pathogenic bacteria.2024-08-31SZBK
Bálint CsörgőExploring treatment strategies against genotoxin-producing gut microbes.2024-08-31SZBK
Zsolt CzimmererThe alternative macrophage polarization modifying effects of hypoxic microenvironment in mouse and human macrophages2024-08-31SZBK
Mária Anna Deli
Róbert Horváth
Biomechanical and biophysical properties of single cells and confluent cell monolayers2024-08-31SZBK
Mária Anna Deli
Szilvia Veszelka
Targeting nanoparticles across the blood-brain barrier2024-12-31SZBK
Mária Anna Deli
Zsófia Hoyk
Analysis of blood-brain barrier characteristics in inflammatory conditions using animal models and endothelial cell cultures2024-12-31SZBK
Elek Attila Farkas
István Krizbai
Role of endothelial precursor cells in the regeneration of brain microvessels2024-08-31SZBK
Péter GalajdaStudying the effect of the microenvironment on single cells and populations using microfluidic devices2024-08-31SZBK
Lajos HaracskaStudying genes that have a role in maintaining genome stability via Crisper/Cas9 and RNA-interference-based gene silencing2024-08-31SZBK
Lajos HaracskaBioinformatic developments for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data2024-08-31SZBK
Lajos HaracskaStudying directed differentiation and senescence of mesenchymal stem cells2024-12-31SZBK
Lajos HaracskaDrug development via the identification of small molecule inhibitors of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis2024-08-31SZBK
Lajos HaracskaMolecular analysis of carcinogenesis and mutagenesis2024-08-31SZBK
Lajos HaracskaNext-generation DNA and RNA sequencing and their employment in the molecular diagnostics of diseases2024-08-31SZBK
Lajos HaracskaStudying DNA repair2024-08-31SZBK
Viktor HontiBlood cell differentiation and tumor formation in Drosophila model organism2024-08-31SZBK
Ferenc JankovicsTransposon silencing in Drosophila2024-08-31SZBK
Lóránd KelemenCell-cell interaction studied with optical tweezers2024-12-31SZBK
István KrizbaiRole of the neurovascular unit in inflammatory processes of the central nervous system2024-08-31SZBK
István KrizbaiNeurovascular unit under physiological and pathological conditions2024-12-31SZBK

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