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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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List of all the thesis topic proposals

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deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Krisztina FicsorTheoretical Problems of Law and Judicial Reasoning in the 21st Century2024-08-21C107
János Kránicz
Melinda Járomi
The use of the climbing wall by the children’s rehabilitation2025-05-31EDI
Zsuzsa RákosyNutritional status and diatery habits of homeless people2025-05-31EDI
Gergely AmbrusConvex geometry and analysis2024-12-31MatDI
János BarátIntersecting hypergraphs, finite geometries2024-12-31MatDI
János BarátGraph Drawings2024-12-31MatDI
János BarátEdge-decompositions of graphs with a condition on the edge-connectivity2024-12-31MatDI
Ferenc Ágoston Bartha
Mónika Van Leeuwen-Polner
Numerical methods of dynamical systems2024-12-31MatDI
Béla CsabaGraph embedding problems2024-12-31MatDI
Tibor CsendesAvailable only in Hungarian2024-12-31MatDI
Attila DénesDynamical systems with applications in biology2024-12-31MatDI
Ferenc FodorStochastic geometry2024-12-31MatDI
Ferenc FodorDiscrete and convex geometry2024-12-31MatDI
Ábel GarabQualitative theory of Dynamical Systems2024-12-31MatDI
János KarsaiComputer-aided study of models in life sciences2024-12-31MatDI
János Karsai"Computable" teaching materials, model-based mathematics education2024-12-31MatDI
Eszter Katonáné HorváthLattice-valued functions2024-12-31MatDI
Tibor KrisztinTheory and applications of functional differential equations2024-12-31MatDI
Béla NagyExtremal problems for polynomials and rational functions2024-12-31MatDI
Gábor Péter NagyComputational aspects of non-associative structures2024-12-31MatDI
Gábor Péter NagyApplications of finite fields and finite geometries2024-12-31MatDI
Gergely RöstDynamical systems and applications in mathematical biology2024-12-31MatDI
László StachóSemigroups of holomorphic automorphisms2024-12-31MatDI
Vilmos TotikAvailable only in Hungarian2024-12-31MatDI
Viktor VíghKülönböző, általában aszimptotikus természetű kérdések vizsgálata véletlen konvex halmazok metszeteiről, különös tekintettel egy konvex halmaz véletlen eltoltjainak metsz2024-12-31MatDI
István SzilvásiAppropriate use of new methods of nuclear cardiology in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease2024-08-31ÁEK
Péter Klivényi
Cecília Rajda
Genetic, epidemiologic and clinical investigations related to monogenic neurodegenerative diseases2024-12-31NEUR
Dezső Németh
Nikoletta Szabó
Non-invasive brain stimulation2024-12-31NEUR
Katalin Sas
Norbert Jeszenői
Use and attitudes to non-conventional methods in neurology care2024-12-31NEUR
Krisztián Sisák
Kálmán Tóth
Characterization of soft tissue injury during lower limb arthroplastry using DAMPs2024-12-31NEUR
Ákos KukoveczSynthesis and sensor application of nanocarbon thin films2024-09-01AKKT
Gábor VargaSynthesis and catalytic applications of all-solid F(rustrated)L(ewis)P(air) catalysts2024-09-01AKKT
Eszter Farkas
Ákos Menyhárt
Modulation and regulation of astrocyte spatial buffering in cerebrovascular disease stat2024-12-31OFOII
Eszter Farkas
Ákos Menyhárt
The pharmacology of anoxic depolarization2024-12-31OFOII
Eszter Farkas
Ferenc Bari
The susceptibility of the brain to spreading depolarization2024-12-31OFOII
Eszter Farkas(Mal)adaptation of the cerebral circulation in the aging brain2024-12-31OFOII
Gergely Fodor
Zsolt Tóth
Enhancing life sciences data collection and processing using artificial intelligence solutions2024-12-31OFOII
Gergely FodorRespiratory mechanical investigations in small animal models2024-12-31OFOII
János LücklClinical investigation of spreading depolarisations in acute, brain injuries2024-12-31OFOII
Klára MacsinkaUrban development models in agglomeration of large cities based on principles of sustainable mobility2024-09-01ÓEYBL
Péter MakraSignal processing problems in the study of cortical spreading depolarisation2024-12-31OFOII
Ákos MenyhártModulation and regulation of astrocyte spatial buffering in cerebrovascular disease states2024-12-31OFOII
Tibor NyáriInvestigation of trends in mortality rates from external causes in Hungary2024-12-31OFOII
Ferenc Peták
Gergely Fodor
Translational investigation of (patho-)physiology of the respiratory system2024-12-31OFOII
Ferenc Peták
Barna Babik
Characterization of the epidemiological background of heart diseases2024-12-31OFOII
Ferenc Peták
Barna Babik
„Assessment of lung ventilation and perfusion”2024-12-31OFOII
Ferenc PetákCharacterization of the changes in the respiratory function in modells of systemic and pulmonary diseases2024-12-31OFOII
Csaba RohoskaProgrammed architectural design2024-09-01ÓEYBL
Csaba RohoskaCreating of contemporary spaces with building structures, designed primary structures2024-09-01ÓEYBL
Csaba RohoskaSocial architecture from the settlement to the living space2024-09-01ÓEYBL
Csaba RohoskaContemporary architecture in historic environments2024-09-01ÓEYBL
József TolnaiMonitoring of physiological processes with telemedicine tools2024-12-31OFOII
Zoltán UngváriVascular aging: molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological consequences2024-12-31OFOII
Zoltán UngváriVascular contributions to cognitive decline and dementi2024-12-31OFOII
László MadácsyNew possibilities in the endoscopic practice training (simulators and biological models)2024-12-31ENDOK
László MadácsyDevelopment of computer database and application of machine learning algorithms to assist the real time differentiation between adenomatous and hyperplastic subcentrim2024-12-31ENDOK
László MadácsyApplication of new optical chromoendoscopy and zoom technology methods to improve colonic adenoma detection and prediction of histology2024-12-31ENDOK
László MadácsyAnalysis and assessment of different capsule endoscopy systems and methods in the examination of esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine2024-12-31ENDOK
Zsolt SzabóInvestigation of ventilation strategies during thoracic surgery on enhanced postoperative recovery after surgery2024-12-31KRÉKF
Zsolt BagosiThe effects of ghrelin and GHRP-6 on the changes of locomotion and dopamine induced by nicotine and nicotine withdrawal in rats2024-12-31Pathp
Zsolt BagosiThe actions of addictive drugs on neurohormones and neurotransmitters2024-12-31PATHP
Zsolt BagosiThe interaction between neuropeptides and addictive drugs2024-12-31PATHP
Lóránd KissThe role of pancreatic ductal CFTR Cl- channel in acute pancreatitis2024-12-31PATHP
Márta GálfiMethods of the neuroendocrine research2024-12-31KBIOL
Tamás LetohaThe role of syndecans in pathological protein aggregation2024-12-31Pharm
Oguz KelemenVisual and cognitive processes in schizophrenia2024-12-31MagTu
Nándor ÁcsEpidemiological research of the factors of developmental disorders2024-09-01SE
György AcsádyRelations of arteriosclerosis and chronic uraemia2024-08-31SE
György AcsádyPhisiological and pathological adaptation of venous system in cases hemodinamical stress2024-08-31SE
Donát AlpárHeterogeneity and evolution of hematopoietic malignancies2024-11-01SE
György BagdyAssociations of disorders, pharmacotherapy and biology using large human databases2024-09-30SE
Kornélia BaghyThe role of the SPOCK1 proteoglycan in cancer development and progression2024-11-01SE
Bálint László BálintOncogenomic aspects of gene expression regulation at the chromatin level2024-11-01SE
Zoltán BaloghResearch of the evaluation of people with mental disorders among health professionals2024-09-01SE
Zoltán BaloghResearch of the care of acut and chronic patients2024-09-01SE
György Tibor BaloghDevelopment of Cyclodextrin-based Targeted Drug Delivery Systems2024-09-30SE
Csaba BödörGenetic markers in chronic lymphocytic leukemia2024-08-31SE
Csaba BödörClinicopathological analysis of myeloproliferative neoplasms2024-11-01SE
Orsolya CseprekálNovel approaches of outcome prediction in kidney transplantation2024-09-30SE
Tamás Mihály CserepesRelations of hypoxia and acquired therapy resistance in solid tumors2024-11-01SE
Péter CsermelyThe quantitative analysis ofepithelial-mesenchymal transition2024-12-31SE
Csaba Csobay-NovákDiagnostic imaging and endovascular treatment of vascular disease2024-08-31SE
Orsolya Demeterné KissInvestigation of cardiac sport adaptation processes by stress physiology measurements 2024-08-31SE
Orsolya DobayCarriage, virulence and antibiotic resistance of Gram-positive bacteria2024-11-01SE
Gyula DomjánResearch on long-term quality of life and rehabilitation in thrombophilic patients with coagulation disorders2024-09-01SE
Gyula DomjánResearch of long-term quality of life and rehabilitation for patients with systemic autoimmune disease (SLE, PSS, RA, etc.)2024-09-01SE
Edit DósaThe short- and long-term effectiveness of the vascular interventions2024-08-31SE
Ágnes DósaCivil law questions of the health provider-patient relationship2024-09-01SE
Gábor DurayDrug and non-pharmacological management strategies and diagnostic approaches for patients with cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure2024-08-31SE
Bálint Mihály ErőssThe clinical aspects of gastrointestinal bleeding2024-09-30SE
Ida FejősComplex formation studies of natural compounds2024-09-30SE
Bánk Gábor FenyvesPathophysiology, diagnostics and prognostics of acute illnesses2024-08-31SE
András FolyovichInfluences of meteorological parameters on the onset of the acute stroke2024-08-31SE
András FolyovichImportance of medical nutrition therapy of stroke patients2024-08-31SE
András FolyovichSociocultural and psychological factors as the risk for cardiovascular diseases2024-08-31SE
Judit ForraiHistory of the development of healthcare, history of science2024-09-01SE
János GálAssessment, monitoring of cardiopulmonal perioperative risks and treatment options in cardiovascular surgical diseases2024-08-31SE
László GellérClinical and experimental electrophysiology2024-08-31SE
Anikó GörbeInvestigation of the ischemic adaptation of the heart in presence of comorbidities in in vitro cell culture models2024-08-31SE
István GyertyánRodent models of cognitive dysfunctions in neurologic and psychiatric disorders2025-04-30SE

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