by doctoral school by research field by research topic  
Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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List of all the thesis topic proposals

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research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Nikoletta NagyGenetic counseling, genotype-phenotype correlations in familial diseases2024-12-31OGEN
Nikoletta Nagy
Márta Széll
Investigations of phenotype modifier factors in rare diseases2024-12-31OGEN
Margit Pál
Márta Széll
Investigation and identification the genetic factors involved in COVID-19 disease progression2024-12-31Ogen
Péter Klivényi
Cecília Rajda
Genetic, epidemiologic and clinical investigations related to monogenic neurodegenerative diseases2024-12-31NEUR
Dezső Németh
Nikoletta Szabó
Non-invasive brain stimulation2024-12-31NEUR
Katalin Sas
Norbert Jeszenői
Use and attitudes to non-conventional methods in neurology care2024-12-31NEUR
Krisztián Sisák
Kálmán Tóth
Characterization of soft tissue injury during lower limb arthroplastry using DAMPs2024-12-31NEUR
Zoltán VillányiDetection and targeting translational defects in tumor cells.2024-12-31BMBT
Gábor CzakóTheoretical investigation of the dynamics of chemical reactions2024-09-01FKAT
Dezső HorváthInvestigation of fluid dynamics in reactive media2024-09-01FKAT
István SzilágyiDevelopment of multifunctional nanoparticle dispersions2024-09-01FKAT
Ágota TóthDiffusion and convection driven self-assembly2024-09-01FKAT
György Bártfai
Tamás Bitó
Preservation of reproductive health - a holistic approach2024-12-31SZÜL
Tamás BitóDiabetes and pregnancy2024-12-31SZÜL
Zoltán KozinszkyPathologic pregnancies: specific interventions, sonographic characteristics, pregnancy outcome2024-12-31SZÜL
Zoltán KozinszkyContraceptive behaviour in Hungary.2024-12-31SZÜL
Zoltán KozinszkyQuestionnaires studies focusing on infertility and pregnancy.2024-12-31SZÜL
Gábor NémethThe new therapeutic possibilities in female pelvic floor reconstruction2024-12-31SZÜL
Andrea Surányi
Gábor Németh
The investigation of fetoplacental system by ultrasound.2024-12-31SZÜL
Ferenc SarkaResearch in the operating conditions of toothed elements made with additive technology2024-12-31GET
Ferenc SarkaResearch on the behaviour of components made with additive technology against long-term, constant loads2024-12-31GET
Zsolt SzabóInvestigation of ventilation strategies during thoracic surgery on enhanced postoperative recovery after surgery2024-12-31KRÉKF
Szabolcs Szávai
György Kovács
Multi-objective optimisation of composite sandwich structures2024-12-31GET
Gabriella Vadászné BognárSimilarity solutions of MHD flow in non-Newtonian power-law fluid2024-12-31GET
Gabriella Vadászné BognárAnalysis and evaluation of coating characteristics2024-12-31GET
Tamás MolnárInflammatory Bowel Diseases2024-12-311BEL
Csaba BereczkiDiagnosis and interventions in early neonatal period2024-12-31GYERM
Csaba BereczkiThe impact of standardised protokoll on the sedation and analgesia strategies and its complications on paediatric patienrs requiring intensive care2024-12-31GYERM
Csaba BereczkiClinical investigation of kidney function in pre-term and term babies2024-12-31GYERM
Emőke Endreffy
Zoltán Novák
Molecular biologycal and genetical assays in the diagnostic and treatment of paediatric diseases2024-12-31GYERM
Tibor KalmárIdentification of genetic causes of congenital malformation syndromes2024-12-31GYERM
Krisztina KapornaiBiobehavioral inflexibility and juvenile onset major depression2024-12-31Gyerm
Gábor Kovács
Csaba Bereczki
The role of mannose binding lectin on infectious diseases in paediatric oncology patients2024-12-31GYERM
László Sztriha
Tibor Kalmár
Genetic causes of global developmental delay and intellectual disability. Clinical experineces with next-generation sequencing in a cohort of patients2024-12-31GYERM
Lorenzo MarmiroliRapporti culturali e letterari italo-ungheresi2025-03-31tsz.
Orsolya SzilvássyLa narrativa letteraria e cinematografica italiane dal neorealismo a oggi2025-03-31tsz.
Edit NagyBalance rehabilitation and preventive balance trainings2024-12-31FIZIO
Éva Anna EnyedyBiospeciation of metal complexes with anticancer activity2024-09-01MAKT
Gábor GalbácsDevelopment of laser and plasma based spectroanalytical methods and instrumentation2024-09-01MAKT
Béla GyurcsikCharacterization of solution equilibria in the metal ion containing solutions of ligands with potential therapeutic applications2024-09-01MAKT
Balázs TóthApplication of multi-field dual-mixed variational formulation to coupled initial-value problems of linearly thermoelastic solids2024-12-31MMI
Péter BordásNew regulatory challenges of financial law in the 21st century2024-08-21A222B
Péter BordásRegulation of the digital companies in the European Union's internal market2024-08-21A222B
András Szekeres
Péter Sántha
Bioanalytical examinations of endogenous metabolites2024-12-31Micb
Tamás VárkonyiAssessment of the decisive factors in the prevention of the development and the progrewion of polyneuropathy in endocrine disorders2024-12-31Bel.K
Tamás VárkonyiAssessment of the decisive factors in the prevention of the development and the progrewion of polyneuropathy in endocrine disorders2024-12-31Bel.K
József MaléthEpithel cell signalling under physiological and pathophysiological conditions2024-12-311INST
Lajos HaracskaStudying the associations between microbial patterns in the human gut flora and diseases via microbiome analysis2024-12-31HCEMM
Lőrinc Sándor PongorIdentifying novel patient subgroups by integrating genomics and epigenetics data2024-12-31HCEMM
Lőrinc Sándor PongorIntegrative Genomic and Epigenomic Analysis of Small Cell Lung Cancer Evolution2024-12-31HCEMM
István SzilvásiAppropriate use of new methods of nuclear cardiology in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease2024-08-31ÁEK
László CsedrekiStudy of astrophysically relevant nuclear reactions2024-08-15TanL
Kornél Kovács
Kinga Turzó
Interaction between bacteria and biomaterials in the oral cavity2024-12-31BIOTE
Gábor TóthCharacteristics and pitfalls of healthcare processes at the national and international level2024-08-15DELMI
Anita Varga-BogdanovAntichlamydial compounds and processes2024-12-31OMIKR
György KovácsOptimization and improvement of logistics systems and processes2024-12-31GYT
György KovácsTechnical diagnosis and maintenance of machines and mechanisms2024-12-31GYT
György KovácsOptimization and improvement of transportation, warehousing and production activities2024-12-31GYT
Zoltán Ruzsa
Gábor Tóth-Gayor
Refining techniques in complex cardiovascular interventions2024-12-31BELII
Zsolt Boldogkői
Dóra Tombácz
Virome and aging: a longitudinal multi-OMICS study using dogs as a model2024-12-31MDBIO
Zsolt Boldogkői
Dóra Tombácz
Analysis of transcriptional interference networks.2024-12-31Mdbio
Dóra TombáczThe effect of the lifestyle of the microbiome2024-12-31MdBio
Dóra Tombácz
Zsolt Csabai
Research of microbes using genomics and gene technology approach2024-12-31MdBio
Krisztina Andrássport economics2024-12-31BCE
Bálint BlaskovicsCritical success factors and success criteria in project management2024-12-31BCE
Bálint BlaskovicsRequired competencies in project management2024-12-31BCE
Csaba CsákiArtificial Intelligence ethics and governance2024-12-31BCE
Csaba CsákiSpace, place, and identity in the Metaverse2024-12-31BCE
Csaba CsákiArtificial Intelligence in Higher Education2024-12-31BCE
Gábor HarangozóSustainability Indicators2024-12-31BCE
Gábor HarangozóAlternative Business Models to Promote Sustainability2024-12-31BCE
Attila HavasMeasurement of business and social innovation2024-12-31BCE
Anna Laura HideghCritical management studies2024-12-31BCE
Ildikó HorváthCognitive Aspects of Virtual Reality (cVR)2024-12-31BCE
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárProperty prices during and after the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and Asia.2024-12-31BCE
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárMarket efficiency - the new normal post Covid -19 pandemic2024-12-31BCE
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárEnergy market fragility EU, US and beyond2024-12-31BCE
Tibor IllésApplications of Vector Optimization Problems in Business and Economics2024-12-31BCE
Andrea KőIndustry 4.0 Maturity Model2024-12-31BCE
Erzsébet KovácsInternational comparison of pension systems2024-12-31BCE
Gergely KovátsHigher education management2024-12-31BCE
Miklós KozmaBusiness model innovations in a digital environment2024-12-31BCE
László Péter LakatosReflecting the connection between the entity and its environment in the financial statements and other reports. ESG reporting2024-12-31BCE
László Péter LakatosAccounting for employee benefits and similar incentive2024-12-31BCE
Dávid LosonciThe impact of process innovation on business performance2024-12-31BCE
Dávid LosonciFirm competitiveness2024-12-31BCE
Róbert MarciniakBusiness services management2024-12-31BCE
Gábor MichalkóTourism and transdisciplinarity2024-12-31BCE
Tamás MizikState and opportunities of biofuels2024-12-31BCE
Péter MóriczDigital transformation in organizations, digitalization of business models and processes2024-12-31BCE
Miklós PálfiaOptimization, gradient flows and nonlinear probability theory2024-12-31BCE
György PatakiSocial innovation, social enterprise, solidarity economy2024-12-31BCE
Fanni RenczSocietal and patient preferences in healthcare: utility assessment, cost-effectiveness and financial decision-making2024-12-31BCE
Ágnes SzukitsData-driven management and control2024-12-31BCE
Attila TasnádiTopics in computational social choice2024-12-31BCE
Krisztina Városiné DemeterThe contribution of operations management to performance2024-12-31BCE
Orsolya VásárhelyiLeveraging Diversity to Mitigate Algorithmic Discrimination in Data Science2024-12-31BCE
Orsolya VásárhelyiIntersectional Inequalities in Online Science Dissemination2024-12-31BCE
Johannes WachsDigital Supply Chains2024-12-31BCE
Attila WiesztFamily business research2024-12-31BCE

All rights reserved © 2007, Hungarian Doctoral Council. Doctoral Council registration number at commissioner for data protection: 02003/0001. Program version: 2.2358 ( 2017. X. 31. )