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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Szeged, Theoretical Medicine Doctoral School

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Antal BerényiInvestigation of the neuronal network dynamics and > connectivity of the striatum2024-12-31PHYS
Péter CsibriReading, as a specialized form of visual perception2024-12-31PHYS
Ferenc DomokiExperimental studies on the pathomechanism of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.2024-12-31PHYS
Ferenc DomokiNeurovascular unit function and dysfunction in health and disease states.2024-12-31PHYS
Mária DuxPeptidergic mechanisms in the pathophysiology of headaches.2024-12-31PHYS
Gyöngyi HorváthInvestigation of the motor control2024-12-31Phys
Gyöngyi HorváthDevelopment and characterization of schizophrenia animal models2024-12-31Phys
Gyöngyi Horváth
Gabor Tuboly
Translational research for the mechanisms of pain2024-12-31Phys
Gyöngyi HorváthDetermination of environmental factors on physiologic parameters.2024-12-31Phys
Gábor Jancsó
Mária Dux
Neuropeptides in the pathophysiology of primary headaches2024-12-31Phys
Gabriella KékesiBehavioral and pharmacological studies in the Wisket rat model of schizophrenia2024-12-31Phys
László Magor LőrinczCellular and network mechanisms of absence seizures in the thalamocortical system2024-12-31Phys
László Magor LőrinczSerotonergic neuromodulation in the olfactory cortex2024-12-31Phys
Attila Nagy
Gabriella Nagyné Eördegh
Investigation of associative learning in neurological and psychiatric disorders2024-12-31PHYS
Attila NagyAnatomical and physiological investigation of the ascending tectofugal system2024-12-31PHYS
Attila Nagy
András Kelemen
Investigation of associative learning in neurological and psychiatric disorders2024-12-31PHYS
Péter Sántha
Gábor Jancsó
Ganglionic and transganglionic neurodegenerative changes induced by cytostatic agents in the somatosensory system2024-12-31PHYS
Péter SánthaFunctional regeneration of cutaneous chemosensitive afferent nerves following peripheral nerve lesions2024-12-31PHYS
Gyula SáryElectrophysiological examination of the mammalian visual system2024-12-31PHYS
Gyula SáryRehabilitation of neurological diseases by virtual reality2024-12-31PHYS
József MaléthEpithel cell signalling under physiological and pathophysiological conditions2024-12-311INST
Krisztina CsabafiModulatory role of neuropeptides on neuroadaptive processes in the CNS.2024-12-31KÓRÉ

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