Current thesis topic proposals of The
Current thesis topic proposals of The

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Izabella FüziMoving images in new media2025-03-310144
Izabella FüziEarly cinema as new media2025-03-310144
Izabella FüziNarrativity and intermediality2025-03-310144
Vera Farkas-KérchyLiterary Theory, Interdisciplinary Perspectives2025-03-311133
Vera Farkas-KérchyPerformativity and Theatricality2025-03-311133
Vera Farkas-KérchyDrama and Theatre2025-03-311133
Tamás JászayContemporary Drama and Theatre2025-03-311133
Tamás JászayContemporary World Theatre2025-03-311133
Tamás JászayHistories of Hungarian Theatre in the 20th and 21st Century2025-03-311133
Tamás MolnárInflammatory Bowel Diseases2024-12-311BEL
József MaléthEpithel cell signalling under physiological and pathophysiological conditions2024-12-311INST
Endre HársHistory of German Literary Genres in Early 19th Century2025-03-312326
János NagyillésReception of Ancient Culture and Literature2025-03-313105
Irén Annus(Visual culture in the US2025-03-313213
Irén AnnusIdentity Studies in American context2025-03-313213
Anna KérchyThe Literary Fantastic: from Gothic to Postmodernism; Theories of the Fantastic2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyTheories of posthumanism, literary and artistic representations of humanimal relations and metamorphoses2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyChildren's literature, Young Adult Literature, Fairy-Tale Studies2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyIntersections of Women's Literature and Arts, Gender Studies, and Body Studies, with a speciel interest in Corporeal Narratology2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyIntermedial Cultural Representations and Fantastic Imagination in the Victorian and Postmodern Period2025-03-313303
Attila KissLiterature and the semiotics of the subject2025-03-313314
Ágnes Pápai-TarrPossible directions of the changes in certain criminal substantial legal institutions in the 21st century2025-05-15A/115
Ágnes Pápai-TarrPossible directions of the changes in certain criminal substantial legal institutions in the 21st century2025-05-15A/115
Attila KissDevelopment of complex digestive model systems characterizing the absorption and utilization of active substances2025-01-15A/53
Attila KissDevelopment of new types of effective prebiotic combinations from plant fibers using a new biotechnological process2025-01-15A/53
Korinna CsetényiGothic and horror fiction2025-03-31adtsz
Ágnes Sávai-MatuskaPerformance traditions in late Tudor and early modern English drama: drama, ritual, theatre2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálReading the City: the cultural representations of the American and British City in literature and film2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálFilm Studies: the interrelations of film and history2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálUrban Studies2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára Szélpál20th Century American Intellectual and Cultural History: alternative and unconventional histories, alternative concepts of American culture and society2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálMemory Studies2025-03-31adtsz
Zoltán RáczThe questions of labour law as a branch of law(public law-civil law)2024-12-31ÁJK
István OlajosThe agricultural law, environmental and energy law support system, administrative procedures relating to grants, institutional and contractual system.2024-12-31ÁJK
Tamás HallókThe institutions of political democracy in the Constitutional Law2024-12-31ÁJK
Nóra JakabTendencies of labour law in the light of the European and Hungarian development with special regard to the legal status, labour relations and new employment forms.2024-12-31ÁJK
Ibolya Katalin KonczThe main trends of the social background of law and jurisdictional in the Modern History2024-12-31ÁJK
Judit BartaCommercial law and the European and domestic legal development of the related instruments of the Hungarian pension system2024-12-31ÁJK
Zoltán AngyalDevelopment trends of the economic and monetary system, and the internal market of the European Union2024-12-31ÁJK
László LeszkovenLaw of contractual guarantees2024-12-31ÁJK
Erika Csemáné VáradiThe national and international developmental trends of criminology and youth justice and the connecting questions.2024-12-31ÁJK
Anita PaulovicsConstitutional foundations of the structure and functioning of the public administration2024-12-31ÁJK
Tímea Heinerné BarzóII. Subjective rights, privatization efforts and liability relationships in the field of health care2024-12-31ÁJK
Imre MátyásThe ways of progress of unified European private law, the tendencies of the efforts of legal unification regarding the substantive law and law of conflicts.2024-12-31ÁJK
Ákos FarkasDevelopment trends in criminal law sciences2024-12-31ÁJK
Tamás PrugbergerIssues of the undertakings relations within the organization in Hungary in the field of industrial and agricultural production and trade in the light of the European lega2024-12-31ÁJK
József GulaThe Protection of the Order of Economy and Economic Competition in Criminal Law"2024-12-31ÁJK
Anita NagyCriminal procedure law and criminal enforcement law in the light of the successes, particularly with regard to international trends2024-12-31ÁJK
János Ede SzilágyiInstruments of the sustainable development in connection with agricultural law and energy law2024-12-31ÁJK
Miklós SzabóTradition and innovation of theoretical foundation of law2024-12-31ÁJK
Zsuzsa WoperaHarmonization of Hungarian Civil Procedure and the European Law of Civil Procedure2024-12-31ÁJK
Éva ErdősThe Scientific Foundation of the Law of Public Finances2024-12-31ÁJK
Zsolt CzékmannAdministrative law in information society2024-12-31ÁJK
Tímea Heinerné BarzóI. Personal and property relations of the subjects of civil law legal relationships, the dogmatical issues on the law of persons, the modern family law, and the law of ob2024-12-31ÁJK
Pál Sáry1. The Connection Between Religion and Law from Antiquity to the Present 2. The Development of Roman Law in Antiquity2024-12-31ÁJK
Ilona GörgényiTendencies in the advancement of criminal law, criminal policy and criminology2024-12-31ÁJK
Ferenc SánthaSpecial forms of criminal liability of criminal law and international criminal law2024-12-31ÁJK
Anikó RaiszChallenges of the 21st century in the field of the international protection of human rights and the environment2024-12-31ÁJK
Erika Jámborné RóthTendencies in the development of the Criminal Procedural Law2024-12-31ÁJK
Csilla CsákHungarian and international regulation of human and natural resources' law2024-12-31ÁJK
Zoltán NagyPublic finances, tendencies of taxation and the development of the financial institutions in the light of the Hungarian and EU regulation2024-12-31ÁJK
Judit JacsóProtection of the free movement of capital and payments by means of criminal law and the money laundering in the EU.2024-12-31ÁJK
András TormaThe basis for the modernization of public administration2024-12-31ÁJK
Csaba HanczEcological, technological and economic framework of fish husbandry having nature conservation as priority2024-12-04AKKAT
Zoltán RózsaOptimizing the Environmental Perception of Multifunction Robot Vehicles by Methods Based on Deep Learning and 3D Geometry2024-12-31ALRT
András MihályPathomechanisms of neurodegeneration in epilepsy2024-12-31ANAT
András MihályEpilepsy-induced hippocampal neuroplasticity in a rodent model2024-12-31Anat
Róbert AdalbertMechanisms of distal axonal degeneration in long peripheral nerves2024-12-31Anat
Endre DobóThe origins and targets of the hippocampal cholinergic nerve fibers2024-12-31ANAT
Antal NógrádiThe role of endogen progenitors in spinal cord regeneration2024-12-31ANAT
Róbert AdalbertMechanisms of axon degeneration in ageing and disease2024-12-31Anath
Krisztián PajerTreatment of central nervous injuries with humoral factors2024-12-31Anath
László DuxStandardization and quality control of macromolecular assays in pathobiochemistry, clinical biochemistry2024-12-31ÁOK
Norbert NagyInvestigation of the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger: from physiology to arrhythmias2024-12-31ÁOK
Gergő SzűcsEndogenous and exogenous cardioprotective mechanisms in metabolic diseases2024-12-31ÁOK
László VirágStudy of cardiac repolarization process2024-12-31ÁOK
József FurákInvestigation of minimal invasive approaches in perioperative management on enhanced recovery after surgery2024-12-31ÁOK
Tamás Bálint CsontThe role of extracellular matrix proteins and proteoglycans in cardiac stress adaptation2024-12-31ÁOK
István BaczkóAtrial fibrillation, heart failure, mechanisms of verticular cardiac arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, cardiac electrophysiology, proarrhythmic effects of drugs, myocard2024-12-31ÁOK
Balázs ÖrdögPathomechanisms of inherited cardiac arrhythmias2024-12-31ÁOK
András VarróCellular and subcellular mechanism of the cardioactive drugs in the heart2025-06-30ÁOK
Petra HartmannExamining the effect of methane on ischemia-reperfusion-induced mitochondrial dysfunction2024-12-31ÁOK
Mihály BorosClinical and experimental analyses of mitochondrium-drug interactions in gastrointestinal diseases2024-12-31ÁOK
Attila FarkasThe clinical and experimental examination of cardiac arrhythmias and the investigation of the mechanism of the cardiac muscle contractility2024-12-31ÁOK
Petra HartmannExamining the effect of methane on ischemia-reperfusion-induced mitochondrial dysfunction2024-12-31ÁOK
Norbert Buzás
Orsolya Papp-Zipernovszky
The role of health behaviour and technology acceptance in the therapy management and therapeutical efficacy of diabetic patients2024-12-31ÁOK
Ágnes Janovszky
József Piffkó
Individualized surgical management in the head and neck cancer2024-12-31ARC
László SeresInvestigation of epidemiology and effect of medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw on the quality of life2024-12-31ARCÁL
Sándor András SzabóCauses of Sudden Incapacitation During Flight (In-flight), Countermeasures, Preventive Protocols (Design and Development)2024-12-31ASMF
Csaba HorváthLocalization of rotating noise sources along trajectory segments using beamforming methods2024-10-15ÁT
Gergely KristófEvolution of Turbulent Energy Spectrum2024-10-15ÁT
Gergely KristófModeling Turbulence in the Numerical Simulation of Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layers2024-10-15ÁT
Balázs Havasi-TóthInvestigation of flow induced morphology of sedimentary particles2024-10-15ÁT
Péter Zoltán KovácsTheoretical and experimental investigation of clinching2024-12-31ATI
Péter Zoltán KovácsTheoretical and experimental investigation of multipoint forming of sheets2024-12-31ATI
Imre Norbert OrbulovDevelopment of high-performance composite metal foams2024-10-15ATT
Dorina KovácsEffect of recoating in damaged parts2024-10-15ATT
Ursula Mindler-SteinerMinderheiten im ungarisch-österreichischen Grenzgebiet im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert2025-04-01AUB
Christina GriesslerPolitische und ethnische Konflikte in Europa2025-04-01AUB
Stefan OkruchSelbstregulierung der Managementvergütung in der EU: eine vergleichende empirische Analyse zur nationalen Umsetzung und Praxis der ‚Aktionärsrechte-Richtlinie‘2025-04-01AUB

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