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Doctoral defenses of Doctoral School of Computer Science

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Zsolt SántaZoltán Kató2018-05-23 16:00:00Non-Rigid Registration of Visual Objects2018-06-07
Zsolt GeraJózsef Dombi2009-09-21 10:00:00Fuzzy reasoning models and fuzzy truth value based inference2009-12-17
Zoltán SzabóVilmos Bilicki2024-03-08 14:30:00Identification of Data Privacy Challenges and Development of Solutions for the Edge Components of the Telemedicine Datapath2024-04-04
Zoltán SubeczJános Csirik2020-02-07 13:00:00Event Detection and Classification, and Semantic Role Labeling2020-05-28
Zoltán Richárd JánkiVilmos Bilicki2024-04-05 11:00:00Telemedicine Engineering: Modeling and Analyzing Data Quality in Telemedicine Systems and the Impact of Novel Design Patterns on Productivity in Modern Web Application Development2024-05-30
Zoltán Kiss2012-05-11 11:30:00A Pixel-based Discrete Tomoraphic Technique and Its Applications2012-06-07
Zoltán Gábor TóthRudolf Ferenc2020-02-21 11:00:00New Datasets for Bug Prediction and a Method for Measuring Maintainability of Legacy Software Systems2020-05-28
Yue SunSándor BrockhauserPéter Hegedűs2023-12-21 09:00:00Application of Machine Learning to the Classification of Spectra-like Data2024-04-04
Vilmos BilickiMárk Jelasity2010-12-03 11:00:00INFRASTRUCTURE AWARE APPLICATIONS2010-12-16
Viktor HangyaRichárd Farkas2020-02-07 11:00:00Target-Level Sentiment Analysison Various Genres2020-05-28
Veronika VinczeJános Csirik2015-06-24 11:00:00Uncertainty Detection in Natural Language Texts2015-10-22
Ulvi ShakikhanliVilmos Bilicki2024-08-23 11:00:00An exploration of modern domain specific software architectures
Tibor BakotaTibor Gyimóthy2013-04-05 11:00:00Evaluating the effect of code duplications on software maintainability2013-06-13
Tamás SzépeGyula Mester2016-03-10 11:30:00Optimizing robotic actuator, trajectory tracking and fuzzy control2016-04-07
Tamás PflanznerAttila Kertész2021-02-09 14:00:00Mobile Simulation Environment for Investigating IoT-Cloud Systems2021-04-16
Tamás NémethCsanád Imreh2014-04-04 14:00:00On-line előrenéző és paraméter tanuló algoritmusok nyugtázási és ütemezési problémákra2014-06-05
Tamás HajgatóZoltán Ésik2014-11-03 11:00:00Partial iteration theories2014-12-11
Tamás GrószLászló Tóth2018-10-05 11:00:00Training Methods for Deep Neural Network-Based Acoustic Models in Speech Recognition2018-12-13
Tamás GergelyTibor Gyimóthy2010-11-24 11:00:00PROGRAMOK STATIKUS ÉS DINAMIKUS ANALÍZISE2010-12-16
Róbert Ványi2013-10-16 13:30:00Derivation Tree Based Genetic Programming2013-12-12
Róbert OrmándiJános CsirikMárk Jelasity2014-04-04 11:00:00Applications of Support Vector-Based Learning2014-06-05
Róbert FröhlichZoltán Kató2019-10-15 13:00:00Region-Based Pose and Homography Estimation for Central Cameras2019-12-12
Renáta HodovánTibor Gyimóthy2019-11-04 14:00:00Fuzz Testing and Test Case Reduction2019-12-12
Qusay Idrees Sarhan AlsarhanÁrpád Beszédes2023-10-18 10:00:00Methods for Enhancing Software Fault Localization2023-12-14
Péter SarcevicSzilveszter Pletl2019-04-23 14:30:00New methods in the application of inertial and magnetic sensors in online pattern recognition problems2019-06-06
Péter KardosKálmán Palágyi2013-11-26 11:00:00Topológia-megőrző képműveletek és a vékonyítás új módszerei2013-12-12
Péter HegedűsRudolf Ferenc2015-01-23 14:00:00Advances in Software Product Quality Measurement and its Applications in Software Evolution2015-06-26
Péter GyimesiRudolf Ferenc2024-05-21 11:00:00A Novel Bug Prediction Dataset, Process Metrics, and a Public Dataset of JavaScript Bugs2024-05-30
Péter GálÁkos Kiss2023-01-23 14:00:00Software Maintenance Experiments with the A+ Programming Language and the Primitive Obsession Bad Smell2023-04-06
Péter BodnárLászló Nyúl2016-11-09 11:00:00Image analysis methods for localization of visual codes2016-12-08
Norbert HantosPéter Balázs2016-03-11 11:30:00Reconstruction, Enumeration, and Examination of Binary Images with Prior Information2016-04-07
Nándor János VinczeJózsef Dombi2018-05-23 11:00:00Decision models and soft optimization2018-06-07
Muflih Aljawabrah Nadera MohammadTamás Gergely2021-03-18 11:00:00Towards Visualization of Unit Test and Source Code Relations2021-04-15
Miklós KálmánTibor Gyimóthy2014-11-14 11:00:00Validating Documents of Web-based Metalanguages Using Semantic Rules2014-12-11
Melinda KatonaLászló Nyúl2020-05-27 13:00:00Image Analysis Methods for Biomedical and Industrial Applications2020-06-25
Loránd MuzamelZoltán Fülöp2011-02-11 11:00:00Pebble macro tree transducers with strong pebble handling2011-06-09
László VidácsTibor Gyimóthy2010-05-18 10:00:00Software Maintenance Methods for Preprocessed Languages2010-06-03
László VargaPéter BalázsAntal Nagy2013-10-24 11:00:00Information Content of Projections and Reconstruction of Objects in Discrete Tomography2013-12-12
László TóthTibor GyimóthyLászló Vidács2022-11-22 14:00:00Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence Methods in Software Engineering2022-12-05
László SchäfferSzilveszter PletlZoltán Kincses2022-05-10 10:00:00Implementation of neurobiological and various signal processing algorithms using FPGA circuits2022-05-26
László RuskóAntal Nagy2014-06-25 13:00:00Automated segmentation methods for liver analysis in oncology applications2014-12-11
László PálTibor Csendes2011-04-22 11:00:00Global optimization algorithms for bound constrained problems2011-06-09
László HajduMiklós Krész2021-12-06 12:00:00Network based data oriented methods for application driven problems2021-12-16
László FelföldiJános Csirik2010-04-30 11:00:00Classifier Combination Systems and their Application in Human Language Technology2010-06-03
Lajos Rodek2016-03-03 11:00:00Application of Discrete Tomographic Methods in Nondestructive Testing and Materials Science2016-04-07
Lajos Jenő FülöpTibor Gyimóthy2011-12-12 11:00:00Evaluating and Improving Reverse Engineering Tools2012-06-07
Krisztián KoósPéter Horváth2020-09-24 15:00:00Energy Minimization Algorithms for Image-Guided Automatic Patch Clamp Systems2020-10-19
Judit SzűcsPéter Balázs2021-05-20 10:00:00Texture, Nonogram, and Convexity Priors in Binary Tomography2021-06-03
Judit JászTibor Gyimóthy2009-11-27 10:30:00Függőség alapú statikus programszeletelés és közelítései2009-12-17
József NémethJános CsirikZoltán Kató2016-03-10 11:00:00Geometric and Visual Reconstruction of Binary Shapes2016-04-07
József Baranyi2011-03-23 11:00:00Modelling and parameter estimation of bacterial growth with distributed lag time2011-06-30
José Vicente Egas LópezGábor Gosztolya2023-03-02 11:00:00Adaptation of Speaker and Speech Recognition Methods for the Automatic Screening of Speech Disorders using Machine Learning2023-04-06
János BaloghTibor Csendes2009-03-03 10:30:00Globális optimalizálási alkalmazások és szemi-on-line ládapakolás2009-06-04
István NagyJános CsirikRichárd Farkas2015-11-27 11:00:00Detecting Multiword Expressions and Named Entities in Natural Language Texts2015-12-10
István MegyeriMárk Jelasity2024-05-16 13:00:00Applications of Adversarial Robustness Analysis in Machine Learning2024-05-30
István KádárRudolf Ferenc2018-03-08 11:00:00Symbolic Execution for Runtime Error Detection and Investigation of Refactoring Activity Based on a New Dataset2018-04-05
István JuhosJános Csirik2010-12-01 11:00:00QUOTIENT AND POWER METHODS FOR THE GRAPH COLOURING PROBLEM2010-12-16
István HegedűsMárk Jelasity2017-02-03 11:00:00Gossip-Based Machine Learning in Fully Distributed Environments2017-06-08
Hichem AbdellaliZoltán Kató2022-04-29 10:15:00Camera Pose Estimation Using 2D-3D Line Pairs Acquired and Matched with a Robust Line Detector and Descriptor2022-05-26
Hassina BouressaceJános Csirik2020-05-29 10:00:00The application of new methods for offline recognition in printed Arabic documents2020-06-25
Hamza Bassam Hussien BaniataAttila Kertész2023-02-16 14:00:00Integrating Blockchain and Fog Computing Technologies for Efficient Privacy-preserving Systems2023-04-06
György KovácsLászló Tóth2018-03-29 10:00:00Noise Robust Automatic Speech Recognition Based on Spectro-Temporal Techniques2018-06-07
György KalmárLászló Nyúl2021-01-26 10:00:00Hardware-Software Co-development for Audio and Video Data Acquisition and Analysis2021-04-16
Gergő BaloghÁrpád Beszédes2020-12-14 10:00:00Utilizing static and dynamic software analysis to aid cost estimation, software visualization, and test quality management2020-12-18
Gergely VadaiZoltán Gingl2018-11-14 13:00:00Véletlenszerű fluktuációk analízisén és hasznosításán alapuló mérési és titkosítási eljárások vizsgálata2018-12-13
Gergely PapLászló TóthZoltán Hegedűs2023-11-09 10:00:00Transcription Factor Binding Site Detector Neural Networks trained with Various DNA Representations2023-12-14
Gábor SzőkeRudolf Ferenc2020-07-02 10:00:00Fighting Software Erosion with Automated Refactoring2020-09-14
Gábor NémethKálmán Palágyi2012-12-04 11:00:00Topológia-megőrző vékonyító algoritmusok tervezése és vázközelítések kvantitatív összehasonlítása2012-12-13
Gábor LókiÁkos Kiss2024-04-12 12:00:00Compiler Optimizations and Source Code Analysis2024-05-30
Gábor LékóPéter Balázs2021-04-22 10:00:00Image Quality Improvement in Computed and Binary Tomography2021-06-03
Gábor KőrösiRichárd Farkas2022-10-27 11:00:00Machine Learning based analysis of users’ online behaviour2022-12-15
Gábor GosztolyaJános Csirik2010-09-24 11:00:00IMPROVING SPEED AND ACCURACY IN AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION2010-12-16
Gábor DannerMárk Jelasity2022-09-01 11:00:00Efficient Gossip Algorithms for Machine Learning2022-10-13
Gábor BerendJános CsirikRichárd Farkas2014-11-27 14:00:00Machine Learning-based Extraction of Keyphrases and its Applications in Multiple Domains2014-12-11
Gábor AntalRudolf Ferenc2021-12-22 09:00:00Applying Code Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Compatibility and Security of Programs2022-04-14
Ferenc HorváthÁrpád Beszédes2023-07-24 11:00:00Code Coverage Measurement and Fault Localization Approaches2023-10-12
Ferenc HavasiTibor Gyimóthy2014-05-14 11:00:00Optimization Methods on Embedded Systems2014-06-05
Erika GriechischJános Csirik2018-11-26 13:00:00Online signature verification and handwriting classification2018-12-13
Elvira Mercédesz Dobjánné AntalTibor CsendesTamás Vinkó2017-06-29 11:00:00A matematikai modellezés hatása nemlineáris optimalizálási feladatok megoldásának hatékonyságára2017-10-12
Edit PengőIstván Siket2022-12-07 09:00:00Analysing and Enhancing Static Software Quality Assurance Methods2022-12-15
Divéki GabriellaCsanád Imreh2015-05-08 12:00:00Online algorithms for clustering problems2015-06-26
Dénes László BánRudolf Ferenc2018-03-09 11:00:00Static Source Code Analysis in Pattern Recognition, Performance Optimization and Software Maintainability2018-04-05
Dávid KószóZoltán Fülöp2023-08-25 10:00:00Weighted Tree Generating Regular Systems and Crisp-Determinization of Weighted Tree Automata2023-10-12
Csaba NagyTibor Gyimóthy2014-05-12 10:30:00Evaluating optimization and reverse engineering techniques on data-intensive systems2014-06-05
Csaba MolnárPéter HorváthZoltán Kató2019-12-16 14:00:00Variational methods for shape modelling2020-05-28
Csaba FaragóRudolf Ferenc2017-03-23 11:00:00Maintainability of Source Code and its Connection to Version Control History Metrics2017-06-08
Csaba DomokosZoltán Kató2011-03-28 11:30:00Parametric Estimation of Affine Deformations without Correspondences2011-06-09
Bogdan Zavalnij2020-12-03 14:00:00The k-Clique Problem Usage, Modeling Expressivity, Serial and Massively Parallel Algorithms2020-12-17
Béla VancsicsÁrpád Beszédes2023-07-25 11:00:00New Algorithms and Benchmarks for Supporting Spectrum-Based Fault Localization2023-10-12
Balázs László LévaiBalázs Bánhelyi2020-06-25 10:00:00Design and Development of Global Optimization Methods with Applications2020-09-14
Balázs DávidMiklós Krész2018-11-26 11:00:00Application-oriented scheduling problems in public bus transportation2018-12-13
Attila Kertész-FarkasJános Csirik2009-11-25 10:30:00Protein Classification in a Machine Learning Framework2009-12-17
Attila KertészPéter Kacsuk2011-06-24 10:00:00Meta-brokering solution for establishing Grid Interoperability2011-12-15
Árpád BertaMárk Jelasity2021-02-12 09:00:00Collaborative Mobile Gossip Learning2021-04-16
Áron Ervin TasnádiPéter Horváth2024-03-06 15:00:00Active contour and deep learning methods for single-cell segmentation in microscopy images2024-04-04
András MárkusAttila Kertész2023-02-08 10:00:00DISSECT-CF-Fog: A Simulation Environment for Analysing the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum2023-04-06
András KicsiLászló Vidács2023-05-18 10:00:00Utilization of Underlying Semantic Information in Textual Data2023-06-08

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