Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Debrecen
Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Debrecen

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
István BudaiResearch on application-centric composites2025-05-15DE MK
Sándor HajduRecearch of modelling and control methods for automated guided vehicles (AGV)2025-05-15DE MK
Géza HusiDesigning and Developing Extended and Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems Applying the Principles of Industry 4.02025-05-15DE MK
Ferenc KalmárThermal sensation approach of the interrelation between asymmetric radiation and air temperature2025-05-15DE MK
Imre KocsisIntelligent computing based development of diagnostic and process monitoring methods for modern mechanical engineering systems2025-05-15DE MK
Péter KorondiCognitive Telemanipulation2025-05-15DE MK
Ákos LakatosExamination of the thermal properties and application possibilities of advanced thermal insulations and building technology materials2025-05-15DE MK
Tamás MankovitsMechanics and optimization of engineering structures2025-05-15DE MK
Péter PetrikOptical characterization of metal surfaces and thin films2025-05-15DE MK
Csaba HegedűsIdentification of compounds interfering tumor cell migration using a high-throughput method2024-11-15DEOVI
Mónika GöncziInvestigation of the regulatory role of cytoskeletal Septin7 protein and its interaction partners in skeletal muscle under physiological conditions and in a muscular dyst2024-11-15DEÉI
Tamás OláhThe effect of muscle mass on osteoarthritis development in a mouse model2024-11-15DEÉI
Attila OláhExploration of the role of non-classical cannabinoid signaling in the (patho)physiology of human sebaceous glands2024-11-15DEÉI
Attila OláhExploration of the role of TRP channels in the (patho)physiology of human sebaceous glands2024-11-15DEÉI
Ágnes Pápai-TarrPossible directions of the changes in certain criminal substantial legal institutions in the 21st century2025-05-15A/115
Ágnes Pápai-TarrPossible directions of the changes in certain criminal substantial legal institutions in the 21st century2025-05-15A/115
Balázs KulcsárGlobális energia2024-11-15DE
Szilvia VeresPhysiological examination of nutrient utilization efficiency in different genotypes2024-12-15DE
Szilvia VeresSprouts stress physiology as potential phytochemical prevention2024-12-15DE
Szilvia VeresPhysiological justification background of plant condition diagnostics in precision crop cultivation2024-12-15DE
Péter CsatárTranslation studies2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárGerman pronominal system2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárMetaphor analysis2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter CsatárMetaphor analysis2024-11-15DEBTK
László HunyadiExperimental Phonetics2024-11-15DEBTK
Éva KardosTense and aspect across languages2024-11-15DEBTK
Éva KardosArgument structure2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissProblems of Text Linguistics in Contemporary French2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissThe Latin-Romance Transition: Documents and Theoretical Approach2024-11-15DEBTK
Sándor KissProblems of Text Linguistics in Contemporary French Language2024-11-15DEBTK
Csilla RákosiMethodological issues in experimental pragmatics2024-11-15DEBTK
György RákosiSpecial varieties of language2024-11-15DEBTK
Csilla RákosiPlausible argumentation in theoretical linguistics2024-11-15DEBTK
György RákosiConstructions at the syntax-semantics interface2024-11-15DEBTK
Csilla RákosiFallacies2024-11-15DEBTK
György RákosiLanguage acquisition2024-11-15DEBTK
Franciska SkuttaLinguistic Approaches to Narrative: Analysis of French Literary Texts2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter SzűcsThe linguistic properties and behavior of pronouns2024-11-15DEBTK
Péter SzűcsCross-clausal dependencies2024-11-15DEBTK
Enikő TóthExperimental semantics/pragmatics2024-11-15DEBTK
Ágoston TóthQuantitative lexicography2024-11-15DEBTK
Enikő TóthGrammar and Pragmatics2024-11-15DEBTK
Klára FeketeExaminations of polyneuropathies with new methods2024-11-15DE NT
Attila KissDevelopment of new types of effective prebiotic combinations from plant fibers using a new biotechnological process2025-01-15A/53
Attila KissDevelopment of complex digestive model systems characterizing the absorption and utilization of active substances2025-01-15A/53
Lilla KorenovaThe Use of Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics Teaching2025-01-15UD IM
Lilla KorenovaThe Potential Uses of 3D Printing in Geometry Education2025-01-15UD IM
György VámosiInvestigation of the intracrine signaling of membrane receptors2024-11-15DEBSI
György VámosiInteraction of nuclear receptors and their cofactors studied by modern fluorescence microscopy tools2024-11-15DEBSI
Mária CsernochDeveloping Algorithmic Thinking in Higher Education2024-11-15ITDI
András GuttmanGlycobiomarker discovery for the early diagnosis of oral cancers using AI mediated data evaluation2024-11-15RCMM

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