Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Szeged
Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Szeged

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
János Karsai"Computable" teaching materials, model-based mathematics education2024-12-31MatDI
Eszter Farkas(Mal)adaptation of the cerebral circulation in the aging brain2024-12-31OFOII
Irén Annus(Visual culture in the US2025-03-313213
Lívia Klára Szélpál20th Century American Intellectual and Cultural History: alternative and unconventional histories, alternative concepts of American culture and society2025-03-31adtsz
József Szatmári3D city models and modeling procedures2024-11-20SZTE
Zoltán Varga3D printing for radiotherapy2024-12-31ONKO
Sándor ValkaiA logical gate based on an itegrated optical structure with biofilm as an active element2024-12-31SZBK
Edit HajdúA new approach of neuroinfections2024-12-31BelKl
András KelemenAbandoned mines as safe havens for endangered plants and communities2024-09-30SZTE
Tamás Szili-TörökAdvances in non pharmacological therapeutic approaches in the treatment of complex arrhythmias2024-12-31BEL
Zoltán SomhegyiAesthetic and Historical Aspects of Landscape Depictions2025-05-30SZTE
Katalin KürtösiAesthetics and theory of drama2025-05-30SZTE
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsAfrican American women writers and the fictional rewriting of US history2025-03-31PE128
Ágnes Zsófia KovácsAfrican American women writers and the fictional rewriting of US history2025-03-31PE128
István ZimonyiAltaic studies2025-03-30SZTE
András CzeglédiAmerican philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
László MadácsyAnalysis and assessment of different capsule endoscopy systems and methods in the examination of esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine2024-12-31ENDOK
Mária Anna Deli
Zsófia Hoyk
Analysis of blood-brain barrier characteristics in inflammatory conditions using animal models and endothelial cell cultures2024-12-31SZBK
Róbert BerkeczAnalysis of lipids, metabolites and designer drugs in biological samples (urine, blood, tissues etc.).2024-12-31OVI
Csaba LengyelAnalysis of parameters characterizing QT variability in patients with several pathophysiological conditions2024-12-31IN1ST
Norbert C. TóthAnalysis of political or social history during the reign of Sigismund of Luxembourg (1387-1437)2025-05-31BTK
Gergely GromaAnalysis of psoriatic skin alterations at the proteomic and transcriptome level2024-12-31BŐR
Andrea OroszAnalysis of temporal instability of cardiac ventricular repolarization in subjects with different clinical conditions2024-12-31SZTE
Zsolt Boldogkői
Dóra Tombácz
Analysis of transcriptional interference networks.2024-12-31Mdbio
József MaléthAnalysis of tumor-stromal cell interactions with organoid co-culture system2024-12-31In1st
Emese MogyoródiAncient Greek theories of the soul2025-05-30SZTE
Anita Varga-BogdanovAntichlamydial compounds and processes2024-12-31OMIKR
László MadácsyApplication of new optical chromoendoscopy and zoom technology methods to improve colonic adenoma detection and prediction of histology2024-12-31ENDOK
Lívia FülöpApplication of Sigma-1 Receptor modulators in SARS-Cov2 Spike Protein-Induced Neuroinflammation Models for the treatment of neurological symptoms in long COVID-192024-12-31OVI
Gábor Péter NagyApplications of finite fields and finite geometries2024-12-31MatDI
János Geiger
Janina Horváth
Applied geomathematical modeling2024-11-20SZTE
Sándor Gulyás
Krisztián Fintor
Archaeometric analysis of archaeological ceramics2024-11-20SZTE
Sándor Gulyás
Pál Sümegi
Sándor Gulyás
Pál Sümegi
Éva VíghAristotle's ethics in early Modern Italy2025-05-30SZTE
Sándor GulyásAsessing small-scale heterogeneity of Quaternary freshwater carbonates from Hungary2024-11-20SZTE
Csaba CsíkosAssessing and fostering the strategic components of mathematical thinking.2025-01-10NI
Marianne NikolovAssessing language proficiency2025-01-10NI
Ágnes HódiAssessment and development of reading2025-01-10NI
Gyöngyvér MolnárAssessment and development of thinking skills in technology-based environment2025-01-10NI
Attila PásztorAssessment and devleopment of thinking skills2025-01-10NI
Levente SzalárdyAssessment of biomarkers and pathogenic pathways in neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system2024-12-31NEURO
Péter Szilassi
Ferenc Kovács
Assessment of changes and relationships in the landscape2024-11-20SZTE
József Furák
Farkas Sükösd
Assessment of the Clinically Value of Intraoperative Molecular Monitoring Techniques for Surgical Resection Margin Observation Involving Liquide Biopsy2024-12-31PATH
Tamás VárkonyiAssessment of the decisive factors in the prevention of the development and the progrewion of polyneuropathy in endocrine disorders2024-12-31Bel.K
Tamás VárkonyiAssessment of the decisive factors in the prevention of the development and the progrewion of polyneuropathy in endocrine disorders2024-12-31Bel.K
Gergely Ágoston
Albert Varga
Assessment of the heart failure with different echocardiographic modalities2024-12-31CSAL
Valéria EndrészAtherogen effect of Chlamydia pneumoniae; preventive measures2024-12-31SZTE
István BaczkóAtrial fibrillation, heart failure, mechanisms of verticular cardiac arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, cardiac electrophysiology, proarrhythmic effects of drugs, myocard2024-12-31ÁOK
Vilmos TotikAvailable only in Hungarian2024-12-31MatDI
Tibor CsendesAvailable only in Hungarian2024-12-31MatDI
László KasikAvoidance as a social problem solving style2025-01-10NI
János Zádori
Anna Vágvölgyi
Az in vitro fertilizációs kezelések sikerességére ható prognosztikai paraméterek elemzése2024-12-31REPR
Edit NagyBalance rehabilitation and preventive balance trainings2024-12-31FIZIO
Gabriella KékesiBehavioral and pharmacological studies in the Wisket rat model of schizophrenia2024-12-31Phys
Oguz Kelemen
Dávid Pócs
Behavioral Science Perspectives for Facebook-based Smoking Cessation Interventions2024-12-31Behsc
Lajos KovácsBioaktiv heterociklusok szintézise2024-12-31OVI
András Szekeres
Péter Sántha
Bioanalytical examinations of endogenous metabolites2024-12-31Micb
Krisztina KapornaiBiobehavioral inflexibility and juvenile onset major depression2024-12-31Gyerm
Zoltán MarótiBionformatic analysis of whole genome sequences of archaic samples2024-12-31SZAOK
Tibor Páli
Zoltán Kóta
Biophysical and biochemical studies of yeast vacuolar membranes2024-12-31SZBK
Tibor PáliBiophysical and biochemical studies of yeast vacuolar membranes and the vacuolar proton-ATPase2024-12-31SZBK
Félix SchubertBrittle microstructures2024-11-20SZTE
Ferenc PetákCardiorespiratory interactions in the pathomechanism of pulmonary diseases2024-12-31SZTE
Gergely Ágoston
Albert Varga
Cardiovascular manifestation of the autoimmune diseases2024-12-31CSAL
Tamás PavlovitsCartesian ethics2025-05-30SZTE
Sándor András SzabóCauses of Sudden Incapacitation During Flight (In-flight), Countermeasures, Preventive Protocols (Design and Development)2024-12-31ASMF
Lóránd KelemenCell-cell interaction studied with optical tweezers2024-12-31SZBK
László Magor LőrinczCellular and network mechanisms of absence seizures in the thalamocortical system2024-12-31Phys
András VarróCellular and subcellular mechanism of the cardioactive drugs in the heart2025-06-30ÁOK
Mónika Csontné KiricsiCellular interaction in the tumor microenvironment, molecular participants, and diagnostic potentials2024-12-31BIOK
Zoltán KovácsChallenges of sustainable urban development2024-11-20SZTE
Zsolt SzabóChanges in pulmonary microcirculation during thoracic surgery2024-12-31MODI
Virág Bene Zoltánné PusztaiChanges of human thought in the process of movie production2025-05-30SZTE
András RosztóczyCharacteristics of Helicobacter pylori infection in Hungary2024-12-31in1st
Krisztián Sisák
Kálmán Tóth
Characterization of soft tissue injury during lower limb arthroplastry using DAMPs2024-12-31NEUR
Ferenc PetákCharacterization of the changes in the respiratory function in modells of systemic and pulmonary diseases2024-12-31OFOII
Ferenc Peták
Barna Babik
Characterization of the epidemiological background of heart diseases2024-12-31OFOII
Anna KérchyChildren's literature, Young Adult Literature, Fairy-Tale Studies2025-03-313303
Norbert C. TóthChurch in late medieval Hungary (1400-1526)2025-05-31BTK
Zoltán BajoryCirculatory based pathology of the urogenital organs2024-12-31UROL
Marianne NikolovClassroom-based research on language learning2025-01-10NI
P. Balázs SzabóClimate change effects on food safety and regulatory frameworks2024-09-30SZTE
Péter Géza HausingerClinical (invasive) and experimental (disruptor effects) examination of the vascular system2024-12-31SZAKK
Mihály BorosClinical and experimental analyses of mitochondrium-drug interactions in gastrointestinal diseases2024-12-31ÁOK
András RosztóczyClinical and experimental evaluation of eosinophylic esophagitis.2024-12-31In1st
Ákos CsonkaClinical features atipcal femoral fractures2024-12-31TRAUM
László Czakó
Balázs Németh
Clinical implications of rare predisposing factors for chronic pancreatitis2024-12-31In1st
Csaba BereczkiClinical investigation of kidney function in pre-term and term babies2024-12-31GYERM
János LücklClinical investigation of spreading depolarisations in acute, brain injuries2024-12-31OFOII
Ildikó KovácsClinical neuroscience correlates of affective disorders2024-12-31PSZIC
Máté VámosClinical outcomes of modern transvenous lead extraction techniques2024-12-31BEL
József Géza KissCochlear implantation, electrophisyological investigation2024-12-31FÜL
Zsuzsanna PörcziCommunity and philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Anikó MarázComplex oncological treatment of malignant tumors2024-12-31ONKO
Gábor Péter NagyComputational aspects of non-associative structures2024-12-31MatDI
Gábor ParagiComputational investigations of molecular interactions in protein-ligand complexes or in self-assembling nucleic acid systems.2024-12-31BSRG
Tibor SzécsényiComputational Linguistics2025-03-30SZTE
Lívia Fülöp
Gábor Paragi
Computational simulation of peptides, proteins, and neuroprotective agents which plays significant role in the Alzheimer's disease.2024-12-31OVI

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