Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Business and Management
Overview of Supervisors and PhD students of the Doctoral School of Business and Management


number of active PhD students
in DS/altogether

number of all PhD students until now

phD students who completed course requirement

supervisions which led to a degree
in DS/altogether

phD students with thesis degree in the data base
in DS/altogether
Balázs Aczél0/2.5310/10/1
György Andor0/4850/30/3
Imola Csehné Papp1/5320/10/1
Éva Deliné Pálinkó0/0110/00/0
Ákos Péter Dombi0/0000/00/0
Gábor Forrai0.5/4.5331/31/3
Mihály Héder0/2320/20/2
Erika Hlédik3/3300/00/0
Dániel Homolya0/0200/0.50/0.5
Tamás Jónás1/1321/21/2
György Kampis0/0.512120/40/3.5
Éva Karai0/3310/00/0
Anita Kozák3/30/00/0
Tibor Mandják1.5/1.5100/00/0
Tihamér Margitay0/61060/7.50/6.5
Márk Molnár0/
Gábor Neszveda3/50/00/0
Mihály Ormos2/3.5880/70/7
András László Pap0/5.5110/3.50/3.5
Kinga Pázmándi0/0111/11/1
Zsuzsanna Eszter Tóth2/5721/2.51/2.5
József Veress0/51080/4.50/4.5
György Walter0/0550/30/3