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Pető Zsuzsa EszterLaszlovszky JózsefSzende Katalin2024-06-28 11:00:00The Hermits of the King, the Hermits of the People: Pauline Monastic Space in the Carpathian Basin until the Mid-Fifteenth Century
Pojar VojtěchTrencsényi Balázs2024-06-21 16:00:00Experts in Post-Imperial Transitions: Entanglements and Diverging Trajectories of Eugenicists between the Habsburg Empire and the 'Miniature Empires', c. 1900-1939
Kinde AnnaSzakács Béla Zsolt2024-06-21 10:00:00The Function of Cathedral Spaces in Late Medieval Central Europe (1300-1563)
Kalashnikova OlgaKlaniczay Gábor2024-06-12 13:00:00Preaching the Passion in Fourteenth-Century Bohemia: The Rhetoric of Good Friday Sermons