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Nyáry AnnaHalbritter András2024-05-21 13:00:00Atomic processes in resistive switching devices: from fluctuations to reversible atomic rearrangements
Nagyfalusi BalázsUdvardi László2024-06-14 10:00:00Theoretical study of the magnetic ordering of thin films and nanostructures
Nyitrai GáborVarga Dezső2024-05-03 10:30:00Particle physics detector development and application for muography
Kürtössy Olivér CsabaCsonka Szabolcs2024-06-19 14:00:00Superconducting double quantum dot hybrids in parallel InAs nanowires
Török Tímea NóraHalbritter András2024-06-10 10:00:00Development and investigation of ultra-small on-chip resistive switching memory devices