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Vollár MartinCsupor Dezső2024-07-09 10:00:00Phytochemical and pharmacological assessment of Hungarian bryophytes, with special focus on Paraleucobryum longifolium
Falusi FanniBerkó SzilviaKovács Anita2024-07-05 11:00:00Formulation and characterization of innovative dermal foam systems
Uhljar Luca ÉvaAmbrus Rita2024-06-20 10:00:00Development and Comparison of Single-needle and Nozzle-free Electrospinning of Polymeric Nanofibers for Drug Delivery Applications
Kondoros Balázs AttilaCsóka IldikóAmbrus Rita2024-06-04 11:00:00Investigation of the Feasibility and Efficiency of Cyclodextrin Complexation via Solvent-Free Co-Grinding with Different Active Substances
Party PetraAmbrus Rita2024-05-14 11:00:00Development of meloxicam containing carrier-free "nano-in-micro" dry powder inhaler systems