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Kosinaga JelenaBarát Erzsébet2024-06-21 11:00:00Japanese Women’s Desire for English: English Language Ideologies and Deconstruction of the Akogare Myth
Alawna Hanan J. R.Farkas-Kérchy Vera2024-08-02 13:00:00Women’s Writing in the Middle East: Subverting the Image of the ‘Third World Woman’ in Sahar Khalifeh’s Writings
Jancsovics KlaudiaFogarasi György2024-06-06 13:00:00A videójátékok irodalomtudományi és interdiszciplináris vetületei
Rusvai MónikaKérchy AnnaLimpár Ildikó2024-05-31 12:00:00The Wood Within: The Fantastic in Robert Holdstock's Mythago Novels and the Renegotiation of Human–Plant Relations