Current thesis topic proposals of The
Current thesis topic proposals of The

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
József DombiDatabase description using natural language2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiUse of digital and analogue methods in the neural network2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiApplying the incomparability measure in decision processes2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiApplicability of fuzzy models in machine learning2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiNew types of fuzzy control procedures2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiApplication of the clustering procedures in machine learning2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiExamining and applying the measure of uncertainty in practice2024-09-15SZTE
József DombiDecision trees on continuous data, its construcion and examination.2024-09-15SZTE
Valéria EndrészAtherogen effect of Chlamydia pneumoniae; preventive measures2024-12-31SZTE
Szabolcs FabulaSocio-spatial impacts of urban and regional policies2024-11-20SZTE
Richárd FarkasHuman-in-the-loop machine learning for Natural Language Processing2024-09-15SZTE
Jenő Zsolt FarkasLand use and land use change analysis and modelling in urban-rural fringe zones2024-11-20SZTE
Attila Fehér
Erzsébet Kenesi
The molecular control of the dedifferentiation of somatic plan cells2024-08-31SZTE
Gábor FeiglPlants and environmental stress: combined effects of plastic pollution and other anthropogenic pollutants2024-08-31SZTE
Enikő ForróDevelopment of green enzymatic strategies for the preparation of pharmaceutically and chemically important enantiomers2024-08-31SZTE
Tamás Mátyás GálEvaluation of the effect of climate change on urban areas2024-11-20SZTE
Tamás Mátyás GálUrban climate modelling2024-11-20SZTE
László Norbert GalgócziDrug repurposing according to mechanism of action of an antifungal protein to inhibit Candida biofilms2024-08-31SZTE
Ágnes Anna Gallé
Edit Horváth
Investigation of detoxification in tomato during stress response2024-08-31SZTE
Boglárka Gazdag-TóthDeveloping and applying reliable global optimization algorithms2024-09-15SZTE
Boglárka Gazdag-TóthSolving facility location problems with global optimization methods2024-09-15SZTE
János Geiger
Janina Horváth
Scaling problem of geology2024-11-20SZTE
János Geiger
Janina Horváth
Applied geomathematical modeling2024-11-20SZTE
Gábor GosztolyaMedical Speech Processing2024-09-15SZTE
Sándor Gulyás
Pál Sümegi
Sándor GulyásAsessing small-scale heterogeneity of Quaternary freshwater carbonates from Hungary2024-11-20SZTE
Sándor Gulyás
Pál Sümegi
Sándor Gulyás
Krisztián Fintor
Archaeometric analysis of archaeological ceramics2024-11-20SZTE
Sándor Gulyás
Pál Sümegi
Environmental historical and environmental geochemical analysis of archeological samples2024-11-20SZTE
Zoltán GyengeModern Art2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán GyengeSchelling's philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán GyengeThe Metaphysics of Theatre2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán GyengePost-Kantian Ethics2025-05-30SZTE
Zoltán GyengeKierkegaard's philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Ferenc GyőriOn the paths of knowledge-geography: talent geography, education-geography2024-11-20SZTE
Ferenc GyőriCultural geography2024-11-20SZTE
Gábor HegedűsThe social geographical study of gated communities2024-11-20SZTE
Gábor HegedűsRural land acquisition processes and conflicts in developing countries2024-11-20SZTE
Péter Hegedűs
Rudolf Ferenc
Machine learning aided vulnerability detection and automated mitigation techniques2024-09-15SZTE
Gábor HegedűsSociogeographical study of Western European immigrants in Hungary2024-11-01SZTE
Gábor HegedűsNew rural development possibilities and models in Hungary2024-11-20SZTE
Andrea HegyiComparative analysis of developmental disorders in the cemeteries of the Southern Great Plain2024-08-31SZTE
Péter Horváth3D image analysis and machine learning methods using deep learning for understanding neuron cell communication2024-09-15SZTE
Márk JelasityRobustness and Interpretability of Artificial Intelligence Systems2024-09-15SZTE
Gábor (ELTE ASFT) JuhászAnalysis of lysosomal vesicle transport and degradation2024-08-31SZTE
Zoltán KatóBeyond Point-based 3D Reconstruction and Visual Localization of Objects2024-09-15SZTE
Zoltán KatóGeometric Alignment and Fusion of Visual Objects2024-09-15SZTE
András KelemenAbandoned mines as safe havens for endangered plants and communities2024-09-30SZTE
Attila KertészEfficient management of Smart Systems exploiting Cloud, Fog, IoT and Blockchain technologies2024-09-15SZTE
Attila KertészAnalysis and Applications of Quantum and Post-Quantum Blockchains2024-09-15SZTE
Ferencné Kevei
Márton Kiss
Landscape ecological analyses2024-11-20SZTE
Ferencné Kevei
Márton Kiss
Karst morphology and karst ecology2024-11-20SZTE
Gyöngyi KisAnalysis of the primary sensory neurons in the animal models of neuropathic and inflammatory pain2024-08-31SZTE
Attila KissPhilosophy and theories of subjectivity in literary criticism2025-05-30SZTE
Tivadar KissSecondary metabolites investigation of Hungarian invasive plant species2024-08-31SZTE
Attila KissThe relation of philosophy and literature2025-05-30SZTE
Ferenc KovácsCurrent issues of environmental GIS and remote sensing monitoring2024-11-20SZTE
Zoltán KovácsInvestigation of political geographical phenomena2024-11-20SZTE
Zoltán KovácsChallenges of sustainable urban development2024-11-20SZTE
Miklós KrészGraph based data mining2024-09-15SZTE
Miklós KrészScheduling problems in public transportation2024-09-15SZTE
Katalin KürtösiAesthetics and theory of drama2025-05-30SZTE
Tivadar M. TóthCrystalline basement of the Tisza Megaunit2024-11-20SZTE
Tivadar M. Tóth
Yana Fedortchouk
Fractured fluid (hydrocarbon, geothermal) reservoirs2024-11-20SZTE
István Elek MaákPersonality and numerical cognition in Callitrichidae monkeys2024-08-31SZTE
Zsuzsanna MátéPhilosophical Issues in Visual Culture2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna MátéProblems in Hungarian theories of art and aesthetic thought2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna MátéPhilosophical Dilemmas of the Crisis/Change of Art2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna Máté
János Tóth
Utopias and counter utopias2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna MátéThe Interrelations of Cultural and Artistic Spheres2025-05-30SZTE
András Máté-TóthIssues between philosophy and the theory of religion in the history of Hungarian science2025-05-30SZTE
András Máté-TóthReligion and religious experience in Central Eastern Europe2025-05-30SZTE
András Máté-TóthIndividual and society in post-secular thought2025-05-30SZTE
Gábor MezősiNatural hazards in Hungary2024-11-20SZTE
Emese MogyoródiThe philosophy and trial of Socrates2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiModern theories of tragedy in philosophy (Hegel/Kierkegaard/Nietzsche)2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiTragedy and philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiAncient Greek theories of the soul2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiPlato's critique of art2025-05-30SZTE
Emese MogyoródiPresocratic philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Dávid Molnár
József Szatmári
Photogrammetric processing and interpretation of geological and anthropogenic objects2024-11-20SZTE
Erika MolnárOccurrence of malignant tumors in historical populations2024-08-31SZTE
Dávid MolnárPaleoenvironmental analyses of Cumanian mounds (kurgans)2024-11-20SZTE
Gábor Molnár
Gábor Tamás
Analysis of identified neurons in vitro and in vivo2024-08-31SZTE
Dávid Molnár
Pál Sümegi
Paleoecological analyses on loess-paleosol sequences2024-11-20SZTE
Erika MolnárDifferential diagnostics of osteoarcheological lesions2024-08-31SzTE
Dávid Molnár
Pál Sümegi
Quaternary malacology2024-11-20SZTE
László MucsiTimeseries Land Cover and Land Use Monitoring and Classification Using GIS and Remote Sensing Technology2024-11-20SZTE
László Mucsi
József Szatmári
Investigation of hyperspectral and 3D remotely sensed information in spatial processes2024-11-20SZTE
Erika NagyGrowth, economic restructuring and urban change int he ear of global/financial capitalism2024-11-20SZTE
Erika NagyEconomic marginalization in rural spaces2024-11-20SZTE
Gyula Nagy
Zoltán Kovács
Measurement and social geographical interpretation of urban social inequalities2024-11-20SZTE
Erika NagyThe production of symbolic economy in cities in Central and Eastern Europe2024-11-20SZTE
Gyula Nagy
Szabolcs Fabula
Social challenges of territorial and urban development2024-11-20SZTE
Ferenc OdoricsFilm and its borderlines2025-05-30SZTE
Ferenc OdoricsInterpretations of the Aesthetic and Metaphysical Tradition2025-05-30SZTE
Zsuzsanna Ördögné Dr. habil. KolbertInducing plant fungal resistance by reactive nitrogen species liberating nanomaterials2024-08-31SZTE
Andrea OroszAnalysis of temporal instability of cardiac ventricular repolarization in subjects with different clinical conditions2024-12-31SZTE
Viktor PálSocial geographical analysis of the relationship between spatial processes and tourism products2024-11-20SZTE
Viktor PálPotential applications of alternative methods in teaching economic and human geography2024-11-20SZTE