name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
Károly BalatonKároly BalatonHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2012-06-272013-02-19
József BenedekJózsef BenedekHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2013-03-192019-11-27
Lajos BesenyeiHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2007-11-012013-02-26
Gyula FülöpGyula FülöpHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2007-11-012016-06-30
Mária IllésMária IllésHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2007-11-012017-05-07
György KocziszkyGyörgy KocziszkyHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2007-11-012019-11-27
Levente KovácsLevente KovácsHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2016-06-162017-04-13
Levente KovácsLevente KovácsHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2014-09-152015-02-13
Aladár NagyHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2007-11-012013-07-01
Tamás Sikos T.Tamás Sikos T.Hantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2017-09-202019-11-27
Dezső SzakályDezső SzakályHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2007-11-012016-06-30
István SzintayHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of Miskolc*Core member2007-11-012014-02-20
Klára Tóthné SzitaKlára Tóthné SzitaHantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional SciencesUniversity of MiskolcCore member2011-09-012016-06-30