name or partial name of the academic staff member
identification number of the doctoral school
form of membership
earlier members


name of doctoral school


form of membership

starting date of membership

date of termination of membership
András JánossyAndrás JánossyDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012014-09-11
Zoltán FüzessyZoltán FüzessyDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012011-09-22
Péter RichterPéter RichterDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012015-12-31
László Péter BiróLászló Péter BiróDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012023-10-26
Zoltán NosztícziusZoltán NosztícziusDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012013-07-01
György MihályGyörgy MihályDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012020-06-30
Gyula CsomGyula CsomDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012011-09-07
Mihály MakaiMihály MakaiDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012014-09-23
Miklós MenyhárdMiklós MenyhárdDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012015-05-03
Alfréd ZawadowskiAlfréd ZawadowskiDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012011-06-24
György KrizaGyörgy KrizaDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012014-09-02
Attila VirosztekAttila VirosztekDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2007-11-012015-12-31
János KertészJános KertészDoctoral School of PhysicsCentral European University, Budapest*; Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsCore member2007-11-012013-07-01
Zoltán SzatmáryZoltán SzatmáryDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2011-05-202011-06-27
Attila AszódiAttila AszódiDoctoral School of PhysicsBudapest University of Technology and Economics*Core member2013-07-012014-09-12