Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Law

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Ágoston Csanád MohayChallenges of the European legal order in the 21st century, with special emphasis on the status of individuals in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice2024-09-01ÁJK
József BenkeEuropean Comparative Private LawEuropean Comparative Private Law2024-09-01ÁJK
Csongor HerkeArtifical intelligence in criminal justice2024-09-01ÁJK
József BenkeEuropean Comparative Private Law2024-09-01ÁJK
Csongor HerkeThe restriction of personal freedom in criminal procedure2024-09-01ÁJK
József BenkeComparative Private Law History of Europe2024-09-01ÁJK
Csongor HerkeThe criminal and civil procedure law of the 21st century2024-09-01ÁJK
József BenkeComparative Private Law History of Europe2024-09-01ÁJK
Csaba FenyvesiCriminalistical means for proof2024-09-01ÁJK
Attila PánovicsThe European Union as a Model for Regional Integration2024-09-01ÁJK
Zoltán András NagyLegal aspects of modern technologies2024-09-01ÁJK
Gabriella KulcsárPsychological approach to recent criminological challenges2024-09-01ÁJK
Csabáné HergerCivil state and Church Autonomy. The Hungarian Modernization and the European Models2024-09-01ÁJK
Csabáné HergerBasic Institutions of Modern Family Law from the Codices of Natural Law to the 21th century2024-09-01ÁJK
László KecskésThe Basic Problems of Legal Liability in Civil Law2024-09-01ÁJK
Janka Teodóra NagyLegal Ethnography2024-09-01ÁJK
Antal VisegrádyLegal culture – Legal Development- Law making2024-09-01ÁJK
Judit ZellerHuman rights challenges in the 21st century2024-09-01ÁJK
Csongor HerkeThe restriction of personal freedom in criminal procedure2024-09-01ÁJK