Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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topics both in English and Hungarian
Current thesis topic proposals of Semmelweis University, Budapest, Doctoral School of University Semmelweis

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Gábor ÉlőQuality management and patient safety in health care2024-09-01SEETK
Helga Judit FeithResearch of social roles and conflicts from a health science perspective2024-09-01SEETK
Ágnes Lukács J.Relational captal of the aspect of physical and mental health2024-09-01SEETK
Andrea MolnárClinical nutrition2024-09-01SEETK
Zsuzsanna NémethThe role of complementary treatments in prevension of non-communicable diseases , moreover their effects on disease progression and efficiety of conventional treatment2025-04-05SEETK
Gábor Ferenc PörzseScience, research and innovation policy and management, as well as its practical applications2024-09-01SEETK
Gábor Ferenc PörzseScience, research and innovation policy and management, as well as its practical applications2024-09-01SEETK
Lajos Attila RéthyTools for the early prevention of allergies and other civilization-related diseases2024-09-01SEETK
Lajos Attila RéthyTools for the early prevention of allergies and other civilization-related diseases2024-09-01SEETK
Lajos Attila RéthyTools for the early prevention of allergies and other civilization-related diseases2024-09-01SEETK
Gábor SzabóDiagnosis and managements of gynacological oncological diseases2024-09-01SEETK
Johanna TakácsAssessment of cognitive functioning in different conditions2025-04-30SEETK
Johanna TakácsCareer processes and planning of health professionals, examining labour market mobility2024-09-01SEETK