Current thesis topic proposals of The
Current thesis topic proposals of The

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Péter Vékás" Actuarial science, Mortality forecasting, Longevity risk, Pensions"2024-12-31CUB
Péter VékásApplications of artificial intelligence in insurance2024-12-31CUB
Gyöngyi VörösmartyPurchasing and supply management2024-12-31CUB
György KovácsOptimization and improvement of transportation, warehousing and production activities2024-12-31GYT
György KovácsOptimization and improvement of logistics systems and processes2024-12-31GYT
György KovácsTechnical diagnosis and maintenance of machines and mechanisms2024-12-31GYT
Mária CsernochDeveloping Algorithmic Thinking in Higher Education2024-11-15ITDI
Pálma BenedekThe evaluation, surgical and conservative treatments of Sleep Disorders2024-12-31HEIMP
Szabolcs DvorácskóDevelopment and characterization of functionally selective novel cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R) allosteric modulators for treating cannabinoids use related toxicity and me2024-12-31BRC
Péter HorváthDeveloping intelligent microscopy systems2024-12-31BRC
Péter KalóGenetic analysis of symbiotic nitrogen fixation2024-08-31BRC
Ferenc ÖtvösModelling ligand characteristics and receptor specificity in the opioid system2024-12-31BRC
Csaba PálDeciphering evolutionary processes behind antibiotic resistance by novel tools in Synthetic Biology2024-12-31BRC
Roland PataiDeveloping automated morphometric systems for structural analysis of neuronal samples2024-12-31BRC
Roland PataiUnderstanding the role of glial cells in the degenerative and regenerative processes of acute and chronic neurodegeneration2024-12-31BRC
László SzabóDiagnostics and treatment of micturition problems in childhood2024-12-31HEIMP
Csaba TömbölySynthesis and in vitro pharmacological characterization of bifunctional MOP – CB1 receptor ligands2024-12-31BRC
Péter PetschnerApplication of artificial intelligence algorithms for novel drug target discovery in polygenic disorders2024-09-30SE DI
Péter PetschnerOmics-based investigations of polygenic central nervous system disorders2024-09-30SE DI
Mónika Edit Görögné FeketeThe key to healthy aging: nutrition and disease prevention in an epidemiological context2025-05-30MONI
Lajos HaracskaStudying the associations between microbial patterns in the human gut flora and diseases via microbiome analysis2024-12-31HCEMM
Lőrinc Sándor PongorIntegrative Genomic and Epigenomic Analysis of Small Cell Lung Cancer Evolution2024-12-31HCEMM
Lőrinc Sándor PongorIdentifying novel patient subgroups by integrating genomics and epigenetics data2024-12-31HCEMM
Klaudia FarkasPredictors in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases2024-12-31IBEL
András GaramiThe role of transient receptor potential ion channels and neuropeptids in the regulation of complex energy balance2024-12-31IBEL
András GaramiInvestigation of the mediators of systemic inflammation in different animal models2024-12-31IBEL
Péter Hegyi
Andrea Ildikó Szentesi
Investigation of the pathomechanism and disease course of COVID-19.2024-12-31IBEL
Péter Hegyi
Balázs Németh
Investigation of the pathomechanism of pancreatic diseases2024-12-31IBEL
Péter Hegyi
Zsolt Molnár
Hyperinflammation and its treatment in acute pancreatitis2024-12-31IBEL
Balázs NémethGenetics of Pancreatitis2024-12-31IBEL
Andrea Párniczky
Péter Hegyi
Genetic analysis of pediatric pancreatitis. The APPLE (Analysis of pediatric pancreatitis) multicentric, multinational, observational clinical trial2024-12-31IBEL
Patrícia SarlósThe impact of genotype on the phyenotype of inflammatory bowel diseases2024-12-31IBEL
Imre László SzabóNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced gastrointestinal damage2024-12-31IBEL
Andrea Ildikó Szentesi
Hussain Alizadeh
Lifestyle, prevention and risk of acute pancreatitis. Prospective, multicentre observational case control study (LIFESPAN)2024-12-31IBEL
József SókiExamination of the antibiotic resistance mechanisms of anaerobic pathogens by molecular methods2024-12-31MIKRO
Andrea BencsikRelationship among Ethics, Trust and Success in Knowledge-oriented Organizations2024-08-31PE
Andrea Bencsik
Zsuzsa Darida
Developing tax awareness and knowledge among secondary school students2024-08-31PE
Janka Bobek-Nagy
Zsuzsanna Banász
Az italcsomagolások magyarországi kötelező visszaváltási rendszere a körforgásos gazdasági modell tükrében2024-08-31PE
Tibor Csizmadia
Attila Imre Katona
Modeling the information spread with knowledge graphs in higher education2024-08-31PE
Endre DomokosUse of traditional ecological knowledge of herders in sustainable rangeland management2024-08-31PE
Gusztáv Fekete
András Kovács
Biomechanical development of gait in the typically developing children2024-08-31PE
Ildikó Galambos
Renáta Gerencsérné Berta
Membrane-based complex treatment method for microcontaminant removal from different water sources (membrane separation, adsorption)2024-08-31PE
Mihály Görög
Gabriella Cserháti
The use of project management toolkit to achieve succes on implementing a project portfolio - The impact of project manager's leadership style on project succes.2024-08-31PE
Petra Gyurácz-Németh
Zsolt Hollósy
Analyzing Investment Efficiency in the Hotel Industry: Operational and Financial Return Perspectives2024-08-31PE
Csaba Hegedűs
Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán
Risk-based Process and Project Control Charts2024-08-31PE
László Józsa
Dávid Máté Hargitai
Motivations for sport consumption2024-08-31PE
Balázs KakasiInfluence of shape and size on toxicology of various nanoparticles2024-08-31PE
Dirk-Jan Ferdinand KamannTrue Cost Accounting And It’s Effect On Companies’ Sustainability and Procurement Processes2024-08-31PE
Tibor Kovács
Edit Tóth-Bodrogi
Investigation of reusability NORM residues based on geopolymers at the building industry2024-08-31PE
Róbert Kurdi
Janka Bobek-Nagy
Lakossági szerves hulladék szelektív gyűjtésében rejlő lehetőségek vizsgálata2024-08-31PE
Attila Magyar
Lőrinc Márton
Distributed control of microgrid networks2024-08-31PE
Gábor MichalkóTourism and transdisciplinarity2024-08-31PE
Csaba Mihálykó
Éva Mihálykóné Orbán
Analysis of the Generalized Thurstone Method and Investigation of Its Applicability in Industrial Environments Using Theoretical and Simulation Methods2024-08-31PE
Norbert MiskolcziOlefinek előállítása műanyaghulladékok pirolízisével2024-08-31PE
Roland NagyKémiai harmadlagos kőolajkihozatal növelő eljárásokhoz alkalmazható gemini tenzidek előállítása és vizsgálata2024-08-31PE
Gábor PintérThe potentials of deploying hydrogen for system regulation in the energy sector2024-08-31PE
Tamás RuppertHuman intention recognition in human-machine collaboration using artificial intelligence tools2024-08-31PE
Zoltán Süle
Tamás Ruppert
Development of Data-Driven Machine Learning and Risk Intelligence Solutions with Uncertain Parameters2024-08-31PE
Márta Judit SulyokSpatial and temporal concentration of tourism mobility2024-08-31PE
Utku KaleSafety Risk Assessments of Transport Operators (Pilots, ATCOs, UAV Operators, Drivers, Maintenance Technicians, etc.)2024-08-30VRHT
Zsuzsanna KahánTherapeutic sensitivity of cancers2024-12-31ONCO
Ádám JacsóIncreasing the energy efficiency of CNC machining by optimizing the tool path2024-10-15GTT
Ádám JacsóReducing machining time and energy consumption in trochoidal milling by tool path optimisation2024-10-15GTT
János Kránicz
Melinda Járomi
The use of the climbing wall by the children’s rehabilitation2025-05-31EDI
István NémethMeasuring, analysing and predicting the degradation processes of the spindle bearings of machine tools2024-10-15GTT
István NémethMaintenance planning and scheduling of manufacturing equipment2024-10-15GTT
Zsuzsa RákosyNutritional status and diatery habits of homeless people2025-05-31EDI
Márton TakácsInvestigation of the Applicability of Artificial Intelligence Based Predictive Models in Order to Improve the Quality of Production with Advanced Machining Processes2024-10-15GTT
Edit Tóth-MolnárPhysiology and pathophysiology of the lacrimal gland. Pharmacological modulation of tear secretion2024-12-31SZEM
Katalin BuriánRole of cytokines and chemokines in chlamydia infections2024-12-31OMMI
Róbert AdalbertMechanisms of distal axonal degeneration in long peripheral nerves2024-12-31Anat
Endre DobóThe origins and targets of the hippocampal cholinergic nerve fibers2024-12-31ANAT
András MihályPathomechanisms of neurodegeneration in epilepsy2024-12-31ANAT
Antal NógrádiThe role of endogen progenitors in spinal cord regeneration2024-12-31ANAT
Florence BoulerieFrench literature and arts of the 18th century2025-03-31PE121
Zsolt HajnalEuropean and Hungarian consumer protection law2024-08-21A/118
Zsolt HajnalCross border private legal relations2024-08-21A/118
Dávid SzallerMagnetic and magnetoelectric properties of van der Waals magnets2025-05-31BME
Béla KövesModern prevention of urinary tract infections2024-12-31JAHN
László SeresInvestigation of epidemiology and effect of medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw on the quality of life2024-12-31ARCÁL
Péter Tenke
Béla Köves
The methods of minimizing iatrogenic infections2024-12-31Jahn
Eszter FarkasThe pathophysiology of spreading depolarizations in cerebral ischemia2024-12-31Cellb
Károly Gulya
József Tolnai
Microscopic image analysis of protein aggregates in the brain2024-12-31Cellb
Zoltán BajoryUrological infectology2024-12-31UROL
Zoltán BajoryCirculatory based pathology of the urogenital organs2024-12-31UROL
István MolnárGenomic-assisted introgression of useful agronomic traits from wild-related species into wheat2024-08-31ATK
Péter BaloghThe applicability of discrete choice models in analysing the functioning, management and governance of companies, organisations and supply chains.2024-08-19NJE
Márton BattayManagement issues for hunting and management organisations2024-08-19NJE
András BittsánszkyEfficiency of public catering systems: the impact of food safety culture on the quality of nutrition and the generation of food waste2024-08-19NJE
Norbert BozsikEconomic and environmental challenges of energy security2024-08-19NJE
Lóránt Dénes DávidSustainable tourism and rural development2024-08-19NJE
Lóránt Dénes DávidTourism and circular economy2024-08-19NJE
Anna DunayCompetitiveness and development of micro, small and medium enterprises and innovation driven enterprises (startups). Survey and analysis of entrepreneurial attitudes2024-08-19NJE
Anna DunayCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the light of competitiveness and sustainability. Sustainable business models2024-08-19NJE
Mihály HegedűsExamining sustainability trends in logistics in environmental, economic, and technological aspects2024-08-19NJE
Szilárd HegedűsExamining corporate financial management and resilience in different industry and ownership contexts2024-08-19NJE
Edit HoykEconometric analysis of sustainable farming practices2024-08-19NJE
Bálint Csaba IllésOperation and development of quality management and food safety systems2024-08-19NJE
Bálint Csaba IllésOpportunities, tools and constraints of effective enterprise development along the lifecycle stages of enterprises in different sectors2024-08-19NJE
Dorota JelonekInnovation and digital transformation as determinants of business competitiveness2024-08-19NJE