Current thesis topic proposals of The
Current thesis topic proposals of The

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Imre László SzabóNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced gastrointestinal damage2024-12-31IBEL
Andrea Ildikó Szentesi
Hussain Alizadeh
Lifestyle, prevention and risk of acute pancreatitis. Prospective, multicentre observational case control study (LIFESPAN)2024-12-31IBEL
Donát AlpárHeterogeneity and evolution of hematopoietic malignancies2024-11-01SE
Péter AndrékaFactors affecting short -and long term outcome after transcatheter aortic valve implantation2025-05-31SE
Péter AndrékaCardiovascular prevention in Hungary2025-05-31SE
György BagdyAssociations of disorders, pharmacotherapy and biology using large human databases2024-09-30SE
Kornélia BaghyThe role of the SPOCK1 proteoglycan in cancer development and progression2024-11-01SE
Bálint László BálintOncogenomic aspects of gene expression regulation at the chromatin level2024-11-01SE
György Tibor BaloghDevelopment of Cyclodextrin-based Targeted Drug Delivery Systems2024-09-30SE
Csaba BödörClinicopathological analysis of myeloproliferative neoplasms2024-11-01SE
Orsolya CseprekálNovel approaches of outcome prediction in kidney transplantation2024-09-30SE
Tamás Mihály CserepesRelations of hypoxia and acquired therapy resistance in solid tumors2024-11-01SE
Péter CsermelyThe quantitative analysis ofepithelial-mesenchymal transition2024-12-31SE
Balázs DezsényiClinical epidemiology of focal infective liver lesions2025-05-31SE
Orsolya DobayCarriage, virulence and antibiotic resistance of Gram-positive bacteria2024-11-01SE
Bálint Mihály ErőssThe clinical aspects of gastrointestinal bleeding2024-09-30SE
Ida FejősComplex formation studies of natural compounds2024-09-30SE
Gabriella GálffyInvestigation of lung cancer mortality in the light of new diagnostic and therapeutic options and different biomarkers2025-05-31SE
Gabriella GálffyFactors influencing the treatment of obstructive pulmonary disease2025-05-31SE
Ádám GolcsDevelopment of high-throughput synthesis-supporting methods2024-12-31SE
István GyertyánRodent models of cognitive dysfunctions in neurologic and psychiatric disorders2025-04-30SE
Hargita HegyesiExtracellular vesicle-mediated communication in experimental inflammatory models2024-11-01SE
Péter HegyiInvestigation of the early phase of acute and chronic pancreatitis: from bed to the bench side research2024-09-30SE
Péter Jenő HegyiInvestigation of chronic liver disease effect on outcomes in acute pancreatitis2024-09-30SE
Péter Jenő HegyiInvestigation of chronic liver disease effect on outcomes in acute pancreatitis2024-09-30SE
Péter HegyiInvestigation of the early phase of acute and chronic pancreatitis: from bed to the bench side research2024-09-30SE
Péter HollóInvestigating the pathomechanism and prognostic factors of tumours of the skin2025-05-31SE
Zsolt JurányiCytogenetic and immunological changes induced by radiation therapy in cancer patients. Mechanism of radiation resistance2024-11-01SE
Zoltán KalóSupporting health care R&D decisions by early phase technology assessment2024-09-30SE
Lajos Vince KeményInvestigation of the efficacy and side effects of immuncheckpoint blockade in melanoma and identification of novel therapeutic targets2025-05-31SE
István KenesseyChanging in the epidemiology of malignancies in Hungary2024-11-01SE
István KenesseyInteraczion of tumor cell and environmental immune competent elements in human head and neck squamous cancer2024-11-01SE
Kornél KirályInvestigation of angiotensin-opioid interactions in releation to opioid analgesia2024-12-31SE
Kornél KirályGlycine transporters as an emerging target in the treatment of chronic pain2024-09-30SE
András KissThe role of molecular pattern of cell adhesion molecules and microRNAs in the ethiopathogenesis of primary and metastatic liver tumors2024-11-01SE
Norbert Ferenc KissInnovative multimodal imaging approaches in the field of dermatology and dermato-oncology2025-05-31SE
András KissIdentification of molecular targets in liver tumors and corresponding biopsies and liquid samples2024-11-01SE
Tamás KissChildhood Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Adult Cardiovascular Events2025-05-31SE
Béla KocsisInvestigation of fluoroquinolone and polymyxin resistance mechanisms in Gram-negative bacteria2024-11-01SE
Tibor KrenácsMolecular morphology monitoring of myelofibrosis progression and correlations between immunophenotype and genetic predisposition2024-11-01SE
Eszter LajkóCell- and molecular biological investigation of small molecule drugs and their peptide conjugates designed for targeted tumor therapy2024-09-30SE
Gábor LotzEffect of Helicobacter pylori infection and other pathogenic agents on the pathogenesis of benign and malignant diseases of the stomach and other organs2024-11-01SE
Balázs MayerCharacterization and function of gamma-delta T cells in skin stem cell niches2025-05-31SE
Márta MedveczMultidisciplinary aspects of rare hereditary and acquired dermatological diseases2025-05-31SE
Zsolt MegyesfalviIdentification of subtype-specific diagnostic and predictive biomarkers in small cell lung cancer2025-05-31SE
Otília MenyhártDevelopment of diagnostic tools by utulizing patient-derived medical data2024-11-01SE
Gábor MikalaThe effect of prognostic factors and measurable biomarkers on the therapeutic efficacy in multiple myeloma2025-05-31SE
Veronika MüllerPrognostic factors in intersitital lung diseases2025-05-31SE
Klementina OcskayRole of Exogenous and Endogenous Modifiers in the Development of Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in Cystic Fibrosis2024-12-31SE
Eszter OstorháziThe role of skin, faeces, blood, urine and tissue microbiome in the development and progression of infective and non-infective diseases2025-05-31SE
Dániel Palkovics3D technology and artificial intelligence in periodontology and dento-alveolar rehabilitation2025-02-01SE
Dániel PalkovicsNovel approaches in minimally invasive surgical periodontal therapy2025-02-01SE
Andrea PárniczkyGenetic analysis of pediatric pancreatitis. The APPLE (Analysis of pediatric pancreatitis) multicentric, multinational, observational clinical trial2024-09-30SE
Andrea PárniczkyInvestigation of the pathomechanism and the clinical course of acute pancreatitis in adults and children2024-09-30SE
Andrea PárniczkyInvestigation of the epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment, complications and genetic background of SARS-CoV-2 induced disease2024-09-30SE
Zoltán Imre PozsonyiCardiovascular aspects of the treatment of colorectal cancer2025-05-31SE
Lilla ReinigerGenomic and epigenomic background of chronic lymphocytic2024-11-01SE
Gergely RónaIdentifying small molecule inhibitors against human exonucleases to aid existing therapies in oncology.2024-12-31SE
István SeriDefinition and management of neonatal cardiovascular compromise utilizing the tools of precision medicine2025-05-31SE
Nóra SydóPharmacology and dietetics of extreme exercise and extreme environmental circumstances (spaceflight, defence)2024-12-31SE
Attila József SzabóLong COVID syndrome in children2025-05-31SE
Dóra SzabóThe role of gut microbiota in different diseases2024-11-01SE
Árpád SzállásiTumor-associated Cardohydrate Antigen (TACA) expression in solid tumors: implications for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy2024-11-01SE
Árpád SzállásiTRP channel expression in malignant tumors: implications for diagnosis, prognosis, a2024-11-01SE
Ágota SzepesiClinicopathology and molecular basis of cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders.2024-11-01SE
Éva Sztárayné Dr. KézdyChanging parental roles in today's Hungary2024-11-30SE
Tamás TábiStudy of degenerative mechanisms and effect of cytoprotective compounds2024-09-30SE
Zoltán Takácsi-NagyRadiotherapy and radiochemotherapy of head and nack cancers2024-11-01SE
Botond TimárComprehensive genetic and clinicopathological characterisation of myeloid neoplasias2024-11-01SE
Marianna TörökRisk factors, pathological background and treatment options for of recurrent loss of pregnancy2025-05-31SE
Marianna TörökExercise-training induced adaptation of different types of vessels2025-05-31SE
Marianna TörökThe role of vitamin D in the adaptation of the coronary network2025-05-31SE
István Vályi-NagyCOVID-19: course, predictive and prognostic factors, diagnosis and therapy2025-05-31SE
Szabolcs VárbíróEndocrinological features, treatment options and pathomechanism of polycystic ovary syndrome2025-05-31SE
Gergely VargaPlasma cell dyscrasias2025-05-31SE
Apor Veres-SzékelyInvestigating the pathomechanism of chronic diseases associated with pathological tissue remodeling and fibrosis2025-05-31SE
Ádám JacsóIncreasing the energy efficiency of CNC machining by optimizing the tool path2024-10-15GTT
Ádám JacsóReducing machining time and energy consumption in trochoidal milling by tool path optimisation2024-10-15GTT
István NémethMaintenance planning and scheduling of manufacturing equipment2024-10-15GTT
István NémethMeasuring, analysing and predicting the degradation processes of the spindle bearings of machine tools2024-10-15GTT
Márton TakácsInvestigation of the Applicability of Artificial Intelligence Based Predictive Models in Order to Improve the Quality of Production with Advanced Machining Processes2024-10-15GTT
Dániel György HorváthViewpoint change - Self- and medium-reflexive artistic practices2025-04-15MKEDI
Dániel VerébQuantitative methods in clinical radiology2024-12-31RADIO
Erika VörösModern neuroimaging2024-12-31RADIO
Tim Crul„Functional role of lipid raft and non-raft membrane domains in compartmentation of Ca2+-induced cAMP signaling in polarized epithelial cells”2024-12-31In1st
László CzakóTherapeutic ERCP2024-12-31IN1ST
László CzakóTherapeutic endoscopic ultrasound in pancreatic diseases2024-12-31In1st
László CzakóEarly diagnosis of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31In1st
László Czakó
Balázs Németh
Clinical implications of rare predisposing factors for chronic pancreatitis2024-12-31In1st
László CzakóInteractions between the exocrine and endocrine pancreas2024-12-31In1st
Klaudia FarkasEvaluation of clinical and therapeutic response based on patient-specific cytokine and microbiome profile in inflammatory bowel diseases2024-12-31In1st
Csaba LengyelAnalysis of parameters characterizing QT variability in patients with several pathophysiological conditions2024-12-31IN1ST
Csaba Lengyel
Norbert Buzás
Evidence-based patient pathway management in oncology and diabetology2024-12-31In1st
Tamás LetohaThe role of syndecans in pathological protein aggregation2024-12-31Pharm
József MaléthAnalysis of tumor-stromal cell interactions with organoid co-culture system2024-12-31In1st
Balázs NémethGenetics of pancreatitis2024-12-31In1st
Petra PallagiThe role of Ca2+ signaling in the physiology and pathophysiology of the pancreatic ductal epithelial cells.2024-12-31In1st
Petra PallagiInvestigation of ethiological background of pancreatic involvement in inflammatory bowel disease.2024-12-31In1st
Richárd RókaEtiology and diagnosis of colorectal neoplasm2024-12-31IN1ST
Richárd RókaPathogenetical role of intesinal barrier function in functional gastrointestinal diseases2024-12-31in1st