Current thesis topic proposals of The
Current thesis topic proposals of The

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Tim Crul„Functional role of lipid raft and non-raft membrane domains in compartmentation of Ca2+-induced cAMP signaling in polarized epithelial cells”2024-12-31In1st
Ferenc Peták
Barna Babik
„Assessment of lung ventilation and perfusion”2024-12-31OFOII
Sándor SzatmáriX-ray preionization in KrF excimer amplifiers2024-12-31SZTE
Edit Katalin MolnárWriting and written composition2025-01-10NI
Álmos TelegdyWorker mobility across firms, occupations and industries2024-12-31CUB
Krisztina FrauhammerWomen and the Church, social history of religion2024-12-31BTK
Stefan OkruchWie smart ist „smart specialisation“? Eine kritische Analyse2025-04-01AUB
Michael GehlerVon Paneuropa zur Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas 1922-20222025-04-01AUB
Zoltán DragonVisual Culture in the U.S.: Photography and the Moving Image2025-03-31PE119
Oguz KelemenVisual and cognitive processes in schizophrenia2024-12-31MagTu
Zsolt Boldogkői
Dóra Tombácz
Virome and aging: a longitudinal multi-OMICS study using dogs as a model2024-12-31MDBIO
Dániel György HorváthViewpoint change - Self- and medium-reflexive artistic practices2025-04-15MKEDI
Herbert KüpperVerwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit im Vergleich2025-04-01AUB
Zoltán UngváriVascular contributions to cognitive decline and dementi2024-12-31OFOII
Zoltán UngváriVascular aging: molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological consequences2024-12-31OFOII
Zoltán Kovács
Beáta Fehérvölgyi
Változó környezetű összetett tudásalapú rendszerek jellemzőinek azonosítása2025-01-31PE
Zsuzsanna Máté
János Tóth
Utopias and counter utopias2025-05-30SZTE
Attila ImreUtilization of low temperature and low yield heat sources2024-10-15EGR
János SzanyiUtilization of geothermal energy2024-11-20SZTE
Dóra TombáczUsing OMICS approach for the analysis of viral gene expression2024-12-31SZAOK
Györgyi FerencUse of chemically modified oligonucleotides for in site-specific mutagenesis and targeted dna-methylation in vivo2024-12-31NSZL
Katalin Sas
Norbert Jeszenői
Use and attitudes to non-conventional methods in neurology care2024-12-31NEUR
Zoltán BajoryUrological infectology2024-12-31UROL
Lívia Klára SzélpálUrban Studies2025-03-31adtsz
János UngerUrban climatology2024-11-20SZTE
Tamás Mátyás GálUrban climate modelling2024-11-20SZTE
Marianne Bakró-NagyUralic linguistic2025-03-30BTK
Katalin SipőczUralian linguistics2025-03-30BTK
András HettyeyUngarische Außenpolitik nach der Wende im Spiegel der Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen2025-04-01AUB
Roland PataiUnderstanding the role of glial cells in the degenerative and regenerative processes of acute and chronic neurodegeneration2024-12-31BRC
Domokos Esztergár-KissUnderstanding the effects of micromobility through its integration with public transport2025-03-11KTKG
Kristina KurzeUmwelt-, Energie- und Klimapolitik2025-04-01AUB
Árpád SzállásiTumor-associated Cardohydrate Antigen (TACA) expression in solid tumors: implications for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy2024-11-01SE
Árpád SzállásiTRP channel expression in malignant tumors: implications for diagnosis, prognosis, a2024-11-01SE
Ivan SimovicTrends in the development of children's right in contemporary world - challenges and doubts2024-12-31MEÁJK
Krisztián PajerTreatment of central nervous injuries with humoral factors2024-12-31Anath
Péter József TóthTraumatic brain injury-induced cerebrovascular dysfunction in animal models and humans2024-12-31IDSEB
Gyöngyi Horváth
Gabor Tuboly
Translational research for the mechanisms of pain2024-12-31Phys
Ferenc Peták
Gergely Fodor
Translational investigation of (patho-)physiology of the respiratory system2024-12-31OFOII
Márta LesznyákTranslation Studies, Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism2025-03-30BTK
Péter CsatárTranslation studies2024-11-15DEBTK
Ferenc Kruzslicz
Miklós Hornyák
Transfer learning in economics2024-09-30KTK
Emese MogyoródiTragedy and philosophy2025-05-30SZTE
Miklós SzabóTradition and innovation of theoretical foundation of law2024-12-31ÁJK
Gábor MichalkóTourism and transdisciplinarity2024-12-31BCE
Gábor MichalkóTourism and transdisciplinarity2025-01-31PE
Szilvia KöbelTotalitarian Regimes, Remembrance of the Nation2024-12-31KREÁJ
Attila TasnádiTopics in computational social choice2024-12-31BCE
László MucsiTimeseries Land Cover and Land Use Monitoring and Classification Using GIS and Remote Sensing Technology2024-11-20SZTE
Lénárd Gergely SándorTimely Challenges of International Public Law2024-12-31KREÁJ
Ferenc KalmárThermal sensation approach of the interrelation between asymmetric radiation and air temperature2025-05-15DE MK
Zsuzsanna KahánTherapeutic sensitivity of cancers2024-12-31ONCO
László CzakóTherapeutic ERCP2024-12-31IN1ST
László CzakóTherapeutic endoscopic ultrasound in pancreatic diseases2024-12-31In1st
Klára MegyeriTherapeutic application of viruses in the treatment of cancer2024-12-31OMI
Emőke VargaTheory of Illustration2025-05-30BTK
Tibor VidákovichTheory and practice in the development of exams and test construction methods for exams2025-01-10NI
Tibor KrisztinTheory and applications of functional differential equations2024-12-31MatDI
Emőke VargaTheories of the Relation of Text and Image2025-05-30BTK
Anna KérchyTheories of posthumanism, literary and artistic representations of humanimal relations and metamorphoses2025-03-313303
Emőke VargaTheories of art on the concurrence of verbal and visual media representation2025-05-30SZTE
Éva DékányTheoretical Linguistics, Hungarian linguistics2025-03-30SZTE
Lívia Ivaskótheoretical linguistics2025-03-30BTK
István Keneseitheoretical linguistics2025-03-30SZTE
Enikő Németh T.Theoretical linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Krisztina PolgárdiTheoretical Linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Veronika VinczeTheoretical Linguistics2025-03-30BTK
Bernadett SzekeresTheoretical and practical problems of the new type of employment in the changing labor law and social legal framework in Hungary and Europe2024-12-31MEÁJK
Zsófia HornyákTheoretical and practical issues of the agricultural holding system2024-12-31MEAJK
Péter Zoltán KovácsTheoretical and experimental investigation of multipoint forming of sheets2024-12-31ATI
Péter Zoltán KovácsTheoretical and experimental investigation of clinching2024-12-31ATI
Imre MátyásThe ways of progress of unified European private law, the tendencies of the efforts of legal unification regarding the substantive law and law of conflicts.2024-12-31ÁJK
János Kránicz
Melinda Járomi
The use of the climbing wall by the children’s rehabilitation2025-05-31EDI
Lilla KorenovaThe Use of Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics Teaching2025-01-15UD IM
Ágnes JuhászThe transformation of contractual relations in the XXI. century2024-12-31MEÁJK
Krisztina SzécsényiThe syntax of the left periphery of the clause: word order, scope, and information structure2025-03-30BTK
Eszter Farkas
Ferenc Bari
The susceptibility of the brain to spreading depolarization2024-12-31OFOII
Gábor HegedűsThe social geographical study of gated communities2024-11-20SZTE
Éva ErdősThe Scientific Foundation of the Law of Public Finances2024-12-31ÁJK
Marianna TörökThe role of vitamin D in the adaptation of the coronary network2025-05-31SE
András GaramiThe role of transient receptor potential ion channels and neuropeptids in the regulation of complex energy balance2024-12-31IBEL
Kornélia BaghyThe role of the SPOCK1 proteoglycan in cancer development and progression2024-11-01SE
Ervin WelkerThe role of the prion protein in the progression of transmissible spongiform degenerations2024-12-31SZBK
Tamás LetohaThe role of syndecans in pathological protein aggregation2024-12-31Pharm
Károly BartaThe role of soil moisture in the extreme hydrological situations (drought, inland excess water)2024-11-20SZTE
Eszter OstorháziThe role of skin, faeces, blood, urine and tissue microbiome in the development and progression of infective and non-infective diseases2025-05-31SE
Bettina PikóThe role of risk and protective factors in school health education2025-01-10NI
Lóránd KissThe role of pancreatic ductal CFTR Cl- channel in acute pancreatitis2024-12-31PATHP
Edit PaulikThe role of nutritional status and nutritional therapy in the treatment of surgical patients2024-12-31PUHE
Miklós JászberényiThe role of neuropeptides in the neuroendocrine regulation of adaptive processes.2024-12-31PATPH
Petar BacicThe role of national parliaments in the European Union - development and perspectives2024-12-31MEÁJK
Viktória VengloveczThe role of mucin in the pathomechanism of pancreatic cancer2024-12-31FFI
András KissThe role of molecular pattern of cell adhesion molecules and microRNAs in the ethiopathogenesis of primary and metastatic liver tumors2024-11-01SE
Gábor Kovács
Csaba Bereczki
The role of mannose binding lectin on infectious diseases in paediatric oncology patients2024-12-31GYERM
Tibor VargaThe role of licit and illicit drugs in traffic accidents2024-12-31IGORV
Viktória VengloveczThe role of ion transport mechanisms in the inflammatory diseases of the esophagus2024-12-31FFI
Norbert Buzás
Orsolya Papp-Zipernovszky
The role of health behaviour and technology acceptance in the therapy management and therapeutical efficacy of diabetic patients2024-12-31ÁOK
Dóra SzabóThe role of gut microbiota in different diseases2024-11-01SE
Pál BarzóThe role of functional MRI and DWI imaging (modalities) in neurosurgical and neurological disorders.2024-12-31IDSEB
Judit DombiThe Role of Extramural English Input in Language Learning2025-01-10NI