Marianna Török thesis topics
sorted by deadline
Marianna Török thesis topics

abbreviated name

doktori iskola rövidítése

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Marianna TörökThe role of vitamin D in the adaptation of the coronary network2024-08-31
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Marianna TörökEndokrin eltérések kezelése prekoncepcionális gondozásban és terhesség során: Autoimmun pajzsmirigy betegségek2024-08-31
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Marianna TörökRisk factors, pathological background and treatment options for of recurrent loss of pregnancy2024-08-31
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Marianna TörökExercise-training induced adaptation of different types of vessels2024-08-31