Tibor Krenács thesis topics
sorted by deadline
Tibor Krenács thesis topics

abbreviated name

doktori iskola rövidítése

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Tibor KrenácsMolecular morphology monitoring of myelofibrosis progression and correlations between immunophenotype and genetic predisposition2024-11-01
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Tibor KrenácsInvestigating novel prognostic biomarkers in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)2024-08-31
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Tibor KrenácsIn situ testing of prognostic and predictive markers at the gene and protein level using quantitative and qualitatve automated digital image analysis of fluorescence in s2024-08-31
SzTE DSMMSDSMMSTibor KrenácsÓriássejtes csonttumor progressziója2024-12-31
SzTE DSMMSDSMMSTibor KrenácsKollagén XVII fehérje melanomákban2024-12-31