Zsuzsa Réka Huszár thesis topics
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Zsuzsa Réka Huszár thesis topics

abbreviated name

doktori iskola rövidítése

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research topic

deadline for application
BCE DSEBI-CUBDSEBI-CUBZsuzsa Réka HuszárEmprical Finance (asset pricing), Short selling, Market Efficiency, Anomalies, Household Finance (incl. pension investment, mortgage and real estate valuation), Energy Fi2024-12-31
BCE DSEBI-CUBDSEBI-CUBZsuzsa Réka HuszárMarket efficiency - the new normal post Covid -19 pandemic2024-12-31
BCE DSEBI-CUBDSEBI-CUBZsuzsa Réka HuszárEnergy market fragility EU, US and beyond2024-12-31
BCE DSEBI-CUBDSEBI-CUBZsuzsa Réka HuszárProperty prices during and after the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and Asia.2024-12-31