Péter Sótonyi thesis topics
sorted by deadline
Péter Sótonyi thesis topics

abbreviated name

doktori iskola rövidítése

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Péter SótonyiEpidemiology and clinical features of peripherial arterial disease2024-08-31
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Péter SótonyiAz aorta aneurizmák és aorta vérzések etiopatológiai analízise2024-08-31
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Péter SótonyiThe Role of regulatory function of Nociceptin in cardiovascular disease and its controll2024-08-31
SE SEDI (to be translated)SEDI (to be translated)Péter SótonyiRadiological investigation and geometric analysis of aortic aneurysms2024-08-31